Valentine's Day Special

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This AU was from            

So shout out to her!

Damian's POV:

I always thought love was a choice. One that I avoided on the regular.  And now it was time for the most pointless holiday of the year, Valentine's Day. People always sent me and my brothers cards and gifts, but I immediately dumped them. I watched silently, petting Titus on one side and contemplating on another. Why did people put so much effort into love? It always ended one way or another.

I stared for a few minutes more before sitting down on an new park bench. Spring had come early this year and the Wisteria trees that the city planted months earlier were know in full bloom. I let Titus off of his leash and watched as he ran around chasing squirrels.

I almost didn't notice the girl sit next to me. 

She said "Are you okay?"

I stared her down and said "I'm fine" She didn't look like she believed me though.

I caught her staring at her diamond engagement ring, lost in space. I rolled my eyes, and her head immediately sprung up, as her smile turned to a annoyed smirk.

"Don't believe in love huh?" she said getting up. I stood my ground and said "No."


"What do you mean, why?"

"Why won't you give someone a chance?"

"Look miss, love makes people do crazy things, for people they 'have feelings for'! It's pointless, ad always ends up in heartbreak!"

"But love is magical! It makes you fly above the Earth, knowing that you're happy, and you feel safe and perfect!"

"Miss, I don't have time to be arguing with a complete stranger about love! I'm leaving." I called Titus back and he came obediently, wagging his tail. I walked back home, thinking about what the lady said. I thought more about her face and how pretty she was. I felt nervous for a second, before hurtling down to Earth, remembering her engagement ring. By the time I got home my point of view on love had changed.


Marinette's POV:

I walked home later than usual because of my argument with that man. I had told Adrian I was going to be later than usual, but turns out I wasn't. I decided to get him a card and some homemade passion fruit macarons as a gift. I thought it was perfect. I decided to surprise him because he said his shift wasn't over yet anyway. 

I walked into the house quietly stepping into close to our bedroom door. I heard someone mutter something and I looked into the room. Adrian and Lila were on OUR bed making out. I walked in tears dropping down my face.

"Long shift huh?"

Adrian looked up and immediately turned a violent shade of pink. 

"I can explain!" he exclaimed.

I furiously packed all my stuff watching as Lila smirked at me, and Adrian just stood there in shock, before coming to his senses and trying to tug my suitcase away. I was still stronger than him though and I turned around and told him "It's over" I dropped the ring he had bought on the floor and walked away.

Damian's POV:

I went to the same spot I had seen the girl earlier, in hopes of seeing her again. She was sitting there crying to herself softly. As she saw my approaching her face hardened and said, "Well, I suppose you're happy now?"

"No. What happened?" I said as softly as possible

"My fiance cheated on me. So I broke up with him." she said through tears.

I sat down and told her "You don't deserve that. Last night all I thought was about what you said. You are loved."

~2 years later~

Marinette's POV:

It was my wedding day, and I was ready. He was sweet, and perfect. I was in love, true love. 

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