Coffee vs. Soda

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tim and marinette have started dating but a complication arises.

just some fluff about the best caffeinated drink


Tim's POV

I watched as Marinette vigorously sewed a periwinkle dress, eyes never leaving the machine, only looking up to grab a drink.

Eventually she finished, but instead of sleeping, she chugged down 2 cans of coca-cola™

coca-cola and pepsi dont sue me pls, i'm still in high school

Before she could grab another one I snatched the 12-pack away and said "Marinette, it's 4 in the morning. You haven't slept in 2 days, and this much sugar isn't good for you."

I regretted my words as she slowly raised her head giving me a death glare. "That's hypocritical coming from you, Mr. Coffee is in my veins. Now give me the soda and go back to your boring world of bitter caffeine." 

Now that was uncalled for. I shot back "At least I have taste. Soda is just sugar water."

Dick walked in the room and Marinette immediately cornered him with puppy eyes. "Blue bird, do you think coffee is better than soda?"

Dick gulped looking at my glare and Marinette's adorable face.


Mari's POV

Eventually Tim's whole family got involved. I had Dick, Cass, and Jason on my side, and Tim had Bruce, Steph, and Damian on his.

The prank wars begun soon after.

I had gotten Damian on my side after bribing him with kittens. He was a sucker for animals.

I watched through the camera I planted in the kitchen as Damian (the double agent) made Tim a pot of "coffee".

Poor Tim didn't think twice before chugging the coca-cola™ down and as Damian started grinning evilly, he realized.

"This isn't coffee!" 

He looked in the pot and saw the bubbling coke. I ran down to the kitchen cackling at my boyfriend's misfortune. He looked so cute when he was mad. The look of betrayal on his face was priceless.

Okay, maybe I was being a tad sadistic, but the next morning when I went to get my morning Mtn. Dew™, I noticed that the usual pop sound was missing. I gently took a sip, as we were in a war after all. It was the drink of over-worked employees with no class. Coffee. I threw it out and grabbed another one.

That b*st*rd replaced my whole stock of soda with his vile drink.

Oh it was on.

Tim's POV

Well, she had it coming. I went to work the next day and saw everyone was drinking soda. Even my trust-worthy assistants.

I rolled my eyes and went to the coffee machine in my office. But instead of the brown nectar, there was bubbling soda. I ran around the whole building twice and in the end had no choice but to die of exhaustion and dehydration. 

When I got home after a long day I saw Marinette lying on the couch, yawning. I sat next to her, and said "Truce?"

She laid her head on my shoulder and said truce. Alfred set a plate of jasmine tea on the coffee table, and while that wasn't my style, I guess it was time to try something new. My and Marinette clinked our cups and said cheers and downed the tea.

Marinette nestled into me and soon, we fell asleep next to each other peacefully.

Alfred put melatonin in the tea.

Well, it was only out of concern, because both of them had dark circles big enough to be black holes.

This was just a short fluff I thought of while thinking, "why do people like coffee?"

soda is far superior.

sorry my updates have been all messed up, i went on vacation.

there is a longer timinette on it's way, next week so watch out for that.

love ya


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