Femme Fatale

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So I know that I already made one like this (see my one-shot "I'm Back"), but I really liked the idea of self-independent Marinette, so I made another one, only with the over-protective sweet brother trope, with Jason as the over-protective sweet brother.


Mari's POV

I was back in Gotham to meet my brother Jason with Chloe and Kagami. The smell of industrial strength everything was seeping in through the cracks, no matter how much MDC perfume I wore. I walked towards the cafe across the street from our hotel, where I could already see black, yellow, and red. Signs of a sleep-deprived dragon and a hyped up bumblebee.

I slowly started treading faster until a harsh wind came. A poster was blown into my face, giving me flashes of blonde hair and green eyes. I resisted the urge to throw up. I gently peeled the flyer off to see him. Adrien Agreste. According to the news, he had finally run out of money. Not that many people had cared anyway. He was millions in debt, and in a last attempt had sold the Agreste brand to Wayne Enterprises. The flyer stated a meet and greet with him followed by a week of showing off the brand's last original outfits. (To be honest they weren't original. They were hideous. A neon orange skirt with a red top and blue socks. I sure hoped Adrien didn't go on twitter in the past few weeks because he was getting wrecked. Just kidding. Let his tears be an ocean of joy for me. Ah, metaphors.)

I ripped the flyer up into tiny pieces and threw it in the recycling. Not that something so infuriating deserved to be reused. I just didn't believe in littering.

"What's got you so mad Pixie Pop?" a voice called from behind. 

I turned around and exclaimed "Jaybird!"

"The one and only." He replied with that stupid smug smirk. 

I walked with him as we went to the coffee shop.

"Hi I'd like a peppermint mocha with a white chocolate loaf please." I said. I had a huge sweet tooth from working at the bakery.

"And I'd like a black tea."  said Jason.

"Like your soul. You were always poetic." I retorted. He rolled his eyes as we sat down at Chloe and Kagami's booth.

I watched as they all playfully argued. Chlo and Kagami always got along with Jason, because all of their "sole purposes in life" were to protect me.

"Jason" I blurted out. "Is it true that Bruce is letting Adrien run the walkway?"

Jason snorted and said "It won't even be a fashion show. It's more like stand-up comedy anyway."

"I highly recommend that you don't sign the deal. Rip up the contract. Adrien Agreste is just gonna bet more money, and then Wayne Enterprises will be on financial collapse. The guy can't even tie his own shoes." I said. I didn't have Chloe teaching me business tactics for months just to never put them to use. 

Jason seemed to be thinking about it and said, "I'll talk to Bruce. More deets later."

"Don't say deets" Chloe said. "It makes you sound like a boomer desperate to keep up with the times."

"I'm hurt. Buy me some more tea, rich girl. Heal my wounds." Jason dramatically sobbed.

"I was going anyway." Chloe said and ordered another black tea, peppermint mocha, and 2 chai tea lattes.

"Well I have to go now. Fashion trends don't wait and neither do I!" I announced, thanking Chloe for the drink and getting out of the booth. 

They waved goodbye as I went up to my apartment loft. Me, Chloe, and Kagami had all invested in it and I had called the relatively large loft at the top. 

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