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As promised here ya go. This one has a lot of detail and a dark part in the beginning. It is inspired by a mix of Daminettes and my ideas. Thx for this mah little bunnies🐇🐇

Mari's POV

That alley cat. He had teamed up with Lie-la after finding out Ladybug will never like him. Now as Chat, Adrien Agreste was going after me to f****ng harass me. He was getting dangerously close and my mouth was cut, bleeding out everywhere. In a last attempt I took the horse miraculous and teleported to Chloe.

She was hanging out with Luka and Kagami, bored as heck. When I came all clammy and scared they knew. Luka looked at me to confirm it. I nodded and pointed to the secret room in Chloe's closet, too tired to talk. They understood what they had to do.

Chloe's closet had a room with all our necessary items, in case we needed an escape. Since we defeated Hawkmoth we were free to go. My parents abandoned me years ago, as did Luka's. Chloe's didn't care and Kagami's mom
let her do whatever now. I took out Kalki and prepared myself. "Voyage!"


I winced as I slowly dabbed medicine on my wound. I kept repeating this until it was bursting with pain. Owww. I jumped in my bed and sighed. It had been a week since we moved to Gotham. I was sleep deprived and tired of all the crap in Paris. But Gotham was refreshing. It was a fresh start. A new chance to be . . . me. Not Ladybug, the perfect persona, not Marinette the clumsy, whose personality was slowly washed away as I accepted the world around me. I was Marinette. The girl with a bunch of personalities in her. The girl who was going to fight back the against her whole world if she had to.

I took some deep breaths in and out. The toxicity in Paris would never touch me again. I started humming something and it just clicked! I took my notebook for songs and started writing. By the end of the day I had three songs. (A/N Will this be a song fic? Yeah it will)

Now to get my priorities in order. Hecate, my cat came over and stared at me with her blue eyes. I petted her black soft fur (NOT CHAT NOIR) and hummed my new songs as I invited Chlo, Kagami, and Luka over.


They were here! We talked for a while on what to do here in Gotham. First I signed up for the Wayne Gala as Nettie to sing. I also worked on a website for MDC with Chlo and Luka's immense help. I published it and asked them what next. "We should sign up to a school Mari-Hime." Kagami told me. Luka said Petal, my artist persona should have a page on something. Chlo was thinking for a while and then piped up. "Mare-Bear we should buy a better house!" she told me. I understood what she was saying. The apartment was cramped. Soon all three were done in a week and it was time to see the house.

I was so excited to see the house!!!

Link to pictures:https://jamboard.google.com/d/1jh6JP0_b8Ebdi-2NSh6jpE7sXG1Wou_pxnr2D1s21v4/viewer?f=0

(BTW there is tumblr stuff on slide 2 and pics on slide 3)

I loved it. Like I said, Gotham was a new chance for me. My new school was in a week and the Gala in a month. Eek!! I was starting on my own dress for the gala when it hit me. I had literally no idea what to do for the theme. I decided to go to Wayne Gardens for inspiration.

I was sitting under a cherry blossom tree thinking of ideas. Sigh. Nothing yet. Suddenly a huge Great Dane appeared and started locking me everywhere. Aww. I checked his collar  and looked around for his owner. "Titus!" a man called. He had black hair and tan skin. But what really got me were his eyes. Like emeralds in the jungle.

"Hello Ms." He said. I supplied it for him. "Marinette. Hi Mr." "Damian" he told me. We ended up having dinner together and he was dropping me home. He said "you have something in your hair." Huh? He took out a light pink cherry blossom. Then it hit me. "Bye Damian!" I hugged him and ran into my house. And I think I heard him whisper "Bye Angel"

Okie part two is coming tomorrow and I hope u liked this

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