Muted By Love AU

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Ok, so I lied. BUT I HAD A GOOD REASON!!! I just read the most INCREDIBLE Timinette story ever. Check it out: Muted By Love by Wendol123 (link to her page: 

So I wanted to try it out in my own style! I really hope you like it and all creds to Wendol123!!!


Mari's POV

Me and Chloe were preparing our lunches for the day. It was our first day in the new school at Gotham, and I didn't now what to expect. I just hoped it wouldn't be like Paris all over again. "Are you done?" Chloe asked. I signed "Yes. Let's go now." I quickly wore:

" I quickly wore:

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We stopped for a coffee cuz, I'm addicted

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We stopped for a coffee cuz, I'm addicted.

Chloe waved bye to me as she went to her class. According to the map my class was nowhere near were I was. I got the map memorized and silently walked down the hallway. People tried to talk to me but I ignored them and walked straight ahead. By the time I got to my class a rumor started that some 'Damian' kid would have competition. I sat in my seat between two boys. It was the only available seat there was. The class only had two other girls, and they reminded me of the brat and her followers, so I didn't have the best situation. "HI I'm Tim!" the boy to my right said. I just stared at the blackboard, copying down a schedule. 

The boy to my left rolled his eyes. The teacher came and asked me to introduce myself. I got up and signed, 'My name is Marinette.' I sat back down, and the class was looking at me weirdly. It was okay though. I had gotten worse looks. I shuddered as I remembered the torture. Lie-la had choked me, so hard, my vocal chords had ripped. I could never talk again after that. The boys introduced themselves and sat back down.

Tim spent the whole day talking to me. I eventually signed to him and talked for a bit. He was so nice and kind and handsome. . . wait where the f*ck did that come from. 

Damian's POV

I couldn't believe this girl. She seemed to be copying my every move. Harlot. But Drake seemed to like her. "Hey Demon Spawn. Mari is coming over for dinner today!" he said to me, bouncing. I rolled my eyes. Great, dinner with a harlot.

Tim's POV

 We were all waiting for Mari to come. Soon Alfred opened the door and I blushed like heck. Her hair was down with a light blue ribbon. She was wearing a light blue sundress with little daisies all over on top of a white shirt. She looked so delicate. My family started talking to her rapid fire. "Hi I'm Jason Todd, the best Wayne!" Jason told her. Damian rolled his eyes from the table. Weird. When she signed back Jason was caught by surprise. But soon he realized and everyone was having fun.

2 years later

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Mari nodded. They kissed.

Sorry I'm sooo lazy.


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