Stealing More Than A Gem

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This is my first request, requested by @Incredible_Puppy so sorry if it's bad. Also, I am doing a 1k special instead of 700 (Daminette)

Mari's POV

I was informed by Tikki there was a miraculous somewhere in Gotham. How convenient. Gotham was my new home after the Lie-la situation. The gem was located in the Gotham museum of history, and it was a necklace people called "The red Panda" because of its red, black, and white gems. "Plagg, claws out!" I yelled. Soon I was Lady Noir. 

Plagg had come to me, ring in hand one night, scared about Adrien's health if he continued to be Chat Noir. Meh. That a$$hole can die in a trash can for all I care. Adrien Agreste is a b**ch. A stupid one at that too. I ran out the attic window and jumped from roof to roof. As a guardian I could fly now, so the staff was merely for weapon purposes.

Just for fun I flew high into the air and did some acrobatics, seeing the mysterious Gotham sink below me. I flew the rest of the way to the museum and quickly used the staff I had to hack into the system. All done. It was easy. I went in, not even bothering to hide myself. Soon I saw it, the necklace. It was in the corner of the museum, with not a lot of display. But tonight this necklace meant a lot. I carefully opened the glass box around it and snatched it.

"Show yourself Batman. Or should I say Bruce?" I asked, turning around. He seemed shocked for a second so I went up and ran on the wall to my right. By the time he looked at me I was already gone. He whispered something into a earpiece, no doubt calling partners to help. I was out of the museum now, and I needed a diversion. "Plagg, Mullo Unify!" I said. Soon I was Multicat. "Mullo! Multiply!" The two mes ran from each other, and we both took of our Mullo transformation. So there were 2 Lady Noirs running around. I smirked. This would be fun.

I assumed that the bats and birds went chasing my other self. I was just laying on the rooftop when suddenly Robin came by. "Hello Damian." I said bored. Little birdie here was shocked. But he got over it. He took out his katana to swipe at me. I just yawned and floated upwards, missing by a centimeter. He didn't take time to comprehend what just happened and kept swiping at me. And I kept floating away. 

"COWARD!" he said. I rolled my eyes. If this dude wanted a fight I was more than happy to please him. I flew back to him and changed my staff to a katana like weapon. Hmmm. We sparred and sparred for what felt like hours until I had him cornered. He was starting to accept his fate and was ready for me to kill him. I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time today. I got closer to him and kissed him on the cheek. Then without any response I slinked into the night.

Dami's POV

"Bro do you have no game or what?" Drake said. I ignored him and trudged up to my room. I felt. . . . weird. What was this feeling? Was I dying. All I could think of was that girl. She called herself Lady Noir. Odd. I would look into her later.

Everyone in the Wayne Manor that knew that the mysterious girl had stolen more than a gem. She had stolen Robin's heart.

okay so I won't update a lot for the next two weeks cuz school


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