Forced Marriage

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tried something different today! so here's a forced marriage au, featuring timinette! also added some wayne family salt for the first time!


Marinette had never found herself hating the miraculous more. As Tikki's true chosen she had to do something she had been trained to do since thirteen. Marry Plagg's chosen; someone in the League of Assassins.

She was praying that it wasn't that annoying 14-year-old brat, Damian. She didn't think he understood how the miraculous worked. Being born as a demon heir did not make you the automatic chosen for Plagg.

According to the ugly old guy, Ra's, they knew who her soon-to-be-husband was, but he wasn't in the League. She couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not.

She knew that marrying that man was crucial for the safety of the Order of Guardians and the League. But it was all bullshit. The Order of Guardians could easily overpower the League, but instead they gave up Tikki's holder every time.

Marinette was patiently braiding her hair, slipping the League's ceremonial robes over her body. She shuddered at the feel of the fabric, and as every second passed, she planned her escape.

"Marinette," Tikki said, trying to be gentle. "I know what you're thinking, but you can't. And besides, Plagg's holder is your soulmate!"

Marinette turned around so fast her neck ached. But it's not like it mattered. She'd been to hell and back, and a little pain was nothing.

"Really?" Marinette was furious now. "So my choice doesn't come into play? I don't get to pick and love the person I have to spend the rest of my life with?"

"It's not like that, Marinette," Tikki began. "I pro–"

Marinette cut her off. "Your promises are worth nothing to me Tikki. I am doing this for my safety and mine only. You are an invincible goddess. I am someone a group of old men picked to fight their battles for them. Now, quiet."

She sensed someone coming close. Probably her hosts, coming to collect her.

"Come Guardian," Talia Al-Ghul said. Marinette opened the door and walked out of the room, watching as the League's assassins stared at her. She kept her eyes on Talia, making sure she didn't miss the next left.

Talia went on forward, and as soon as Marinette was sure that she wouldn't be spotted, she ran left. There was a vent. If she could make it in time, she would be out of the League's grasp, at least for a bit.

As she jumped into the rather large vent, she heard the sounds of another person trying to move around in the vents. A man. He turned her direction and she clutched the bee miraculous, ready to immobilize him. He looked ready to knock her out.

But before she could say "venom", assassins came near. She suspected thirty. After all, this wedding was what was supposed to hold the alliance intact and keep the Order and the League safe.

"Oh shit," she heard the man say. Not an assassin then.

She didn't know how all of the assassins had fit into the vents, but it was hard fighting them on her knees. And before she knew it, she had been chloroformed, along with the other man.


Tim was having a rather bad day. For starters, he had come to Eth Alth'eban; the League's base to respond to the distress response he had gotten.

When he arrived, he knew immediately. Something was off . So it shouldn't have been surprising when he realized it was all a ruse and was chloroformed.

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