First Dates

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hello. sry it's  been a while. i've been working on a larger chapter that will probably come out some time next week. but in the mean time, enjoy jasonette fluff.

also i saw dc league of superpets w/ my younger brother yesterday, and can we talk about how they ACKNOWLEDGE that batman has way too many sidekicks? i'm quoting it rn, "Batman works alone. Except for Robin. And Alfred. And Commissioner Gordon." and he goes on! but they cut it off lol



Jason's POV

I nervously walked into the manor, preparing myself to run to my room at the first sight of a human. 

"So?", I heard someone call. Steph. She was smirking like a Cheshire Cat as she pulled out her phone. 

Before I could run, all of my siblings crowded around me, jumping out of the deepest pits of hell. Or the halls. Either one made sense to me.

"So, did you ask? Did she say yes," Dick asked, bouncing around me like a hyper chihuahua.

"Drake, prepare to pay me," Damian announced. "Todd could never land a girl."

Tim scowled and said back, "He hasn't said anything yet! He could have already married her for all we know, so shut up." 

I opened my mouth to say something, before Tim once again broke out. 

"Oh. My. God. Did you get married. I mean it all makes sense! TAKE OFF YOUR--"

Before he could finish, Dick covered his mouth and said, "Sorry, he's kinda jumpy. Tim, here, is experiencing caffeine withdrawal, plus he misses Bernard so. . ."

Cass walked in front of everyone with a look that said "shut up".

"So? Did you ask her?" 

"Yeah," I said. "And she said yes!"

My siblings crowded around me (except for Damian and Tim) and started hugging me. Ew.

"I knew you could do it, Little Wing."

"You got game, Jason."

"I'm happy for you."

"Okay, well the dates in an hour, so I have to get ready," I said, trying to inch away.

Their heads snapped up like coils at my words.

"Oh. My. God. WE HAVE TO GET YOU READY!" Dick screamed.

"I can get myself ready tha--" I was cut off as they pushed me to my room. They quickly shut the blinds, and I couldn't help but feel like this was an interrogation.

"Where are you taking her?" Tim, maybe?

"To a restaurant, and then up Smoky Peak to see the sunset."

"Good, sunsets are the way to a girl's heart. How are you getting there?" Steph, I think. I couldn't see well.

"A limo, and then my bike. i don't get how this is importa-"

"Shut up. Do you really want to give her a ride on your bike? First impressions are important, you know," Dick said.

"I've known Marinette for 2 years. Don't you think it's a little late for first impressions?"

"Tt. Todd, to court this young lady, you must be gentlemanly. Something you lack." Damian, the "tt" had given it away.

"You're literally a demon. Why are you the one lecturing me?"

"OH! Do you think she'll come over for dinner?" I had lost the patience to try and guess who this was.

"Look, guys, thanks for trying to help, but I'm fine, and I really need to get ready, so. . . leave," I said.

"Sorry, we're just excited about our Little Wing's first date." Dick, definitely. I reached over and opened the blinds. "Ok, can you leave now," I said, pushing them out.

"BTW,  I picked out your outfit," said Cass.

"Did you go through my closet?!"

"Yeah, and you need to get more clothes that aren't leather jackets," Cass said.

"Okay. Bye. Go. You too Dick. Leave my room," I said, slamming the door on them.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at the outfit Cass picked. It was a collared white shirt, a black tie, black ripped jeans with a few chains strung through, and a black leather jacket. Perfect. I couldn't deny Cass' sense of style.

I walked down the stairs toying with my keys nervously.

Bruce gave me a nod and said, "Be back by 12."

I grinned and walked out to my motorcycle. Thanks to Marinette's help it was a crimson red with black accents. This date was going to be perfect.

sorry it was so short, i'm busy on "the prism" and "a trip fic" AND "drinking, dancing, and nearly dying!(of salt)"

what are those you may ask?

wait and see!


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