Marinette Al-Ghul Fu

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So in this AU, Marinette is Damian's older cousin, and she had to go with her Grandfather to Paris. When she gets a class trip to Gotham, she reunites with Damian. BTW Dami is 12

This is a Jasonette one.

Sorry that I took so long to update, I was working on my felinette story, and we went on vacation for a week so, yeha

Mari's POV

I sighed. I was going to Gotham! And unfortunately a bunch of losers. We were now officially in Gotham. We were taking a WE shuttle bus to our hotel, and trying not to laugh when the bus driver told Lie-la the Waynes weren't the perfect family she acted like they were. Lie-la scoffed. "Like you know! My damiboo showed me everyone, Jason Grayson, Timmy Todd, and Richie Drake."

"Who's Richie Drake and all these other people Lie-la?" Alya asked.

"Oh, Damian's brothers! Richie's real name is Richard, but Richie is better!" she gushed.

I snorted. Damian was my cousin. I grew up with him, training all day. Hopefully he remembers me. But I had only recently figured out he was a Wayne.

Jason POV

I had to teach the class with demon spawn walking around, his school was out today. Soon the class came out of the bus. "Welcome to the Wayne Gardens, feel free to look around anywhere, just don't disturb the nature!" That was 50% of the whole thing. Now I just had to make sure they didn't break a rule and Demon Spawn didn't kill them. The whole class was scattered, and i was looking for Demon spawn. I then crept around and saw him hugging a girl with bluebell eyes and blue hair.

What the f***!? This is demon spawn we're talking about. I rubbed my eyes as I walked away trying to make sense of the shocking image I had just seen, walking towards the class. A girl with brown hair with weird sausage-looking things at the front was loudly talking about a rare species of hibiscus. Demon spawn had named it "Marinetta Malvaceae" after someone in his family.

"Oh yeah, my Damiboo loves me sooooo much, he named it after me!" she gushed, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "It's called 'Lilanis Floweris'!"

I stopped myself from shooting that girl right there and then, it was so infuriating. First of all, demon spawn is 9. Fu**ing 9. And this girl is 17 or 18. And the name she gave the flower. FLOWERIS. WHAT THE F*** IS THAT!

I walked away trying to contain my nerves as demon spawn walked up to me, holding the older girl's hand.

"Todd, tell Alfred that she will stay with us." he said abruptly.

Only as the girl blushed and looked up did I get a clear view of her face. Her hair wasn't blue but instead a black that reflected in the light. She had a heart-shaped face and a light dusting of freckles. With the black studs in her ears and her deep blue eyes, I could feel myself starting to turn red too.

"I-it's fine. I can stay at a hotel. You don't need to do anything really!" she said nervously, stumbling over the first word.

"No." Demon spawn stubbornly said, as I picked up my phone and called Alfred.


The whole night Damian hung out with the girl. But finally he latched away for dinner, as the girl awkwardly ate the creme brulee Alfred made. She didn't look up from her plate once would only occasionally mumble something to demon spawn.

Bruce cleared his throat and asked, "So Marinette you're Damian's cousin?"

She finally looked up and said "Yes. I have mixed Chinese and Arabian ancestry like Damian."

Fun fact! ok never gonna do that again. it's actually canon that his mom has mixed chinese and arabian ancestry.

"Wait then why didn't you come with Damian too?" Dick asked.

I rolled my eyes. Personal space dude. Personal space.

"Oh, it's kinda a long story. Maybe later." she said, and with that she quickly went upstairs, Damian trailing behind.

"Yeah I gotta go too." I said and ran upstairs, keeping a small distance away from Marinette and Demon Spawn.

I watched as she went to her room and for once Demon Spawn didn't follow her.

I did though. 

She rummaged through her bag and pulled out a long purple gown. The basic shape was done, a corset, spaghetti straps and a high to low skirt. But she pulled out a sewing machine and fabric.

I watched as she sowed on lavender butterflies, that I swear started glowing white in the dark. She had delicately sown in fiber-optic fabric, allowing the dress to glow a dim purple, and had even started sketching heels!

Suddenly I tripped, and Marinette looked up from her work.

"Are you okay?" 

I looked up astonished.

Marinette was checking my legs for wounds gently, her touch there, but barely.

"I'll get you some ice" she said quietly, quickly taking her stuff and leaving. I watched as she did it, thinking, this girl is an angel

She came back and looked up. I just realized, she hadn't seen my face yet. She started blushing and gave me the ice pack shyly.

As she went back to her room, she turned back and said "Don't ever spy on me again, unless you want a broken jaw."

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