Princess Mari AU

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This was requested by Komal2008 and will be based of off the other AUs like this.


(trigger warning: mentions of suicide and violence)

Mari's POV

Ms. Bustier was rapidly telling us that our class would be going to China, because the royal family's daughter was having her coronation. Of course Lie-la lied then, saying how she had asked her best friend the princess to arrange tickets for us. Now I was in China, smelling the fresh air eating dinner in a small cafe with Chloe. 

I had no patience left for those who would follow the leader, in this case Lie-la's sheep. I remember what it was like. . . to be so helpless. That day was when I knew I had to change. I started coming to school, picking fights, wearing clothes that didn't have pink because it would and had never matched my mood. (this wiped out 99% of my wardrobe in the end).

In fact I was almost driven to suicide, but Chloe had held me back. How grateful I was for my friends. Now, I was in China, my birthplace, living my best life. I was gulping down wonton soup and dim sum while she watched, complaining about it being too spicy. I was in the middle of finishing my noodles, when bright green eyes pierced me. I raised my head to see a guy about my age with tan skin and the green eyes that had pierced me. His face spelled out "annoyance".

He caught me staring at him and looked up from his menu. I blushed a violent pink and looked down, eating my noodles so fast Chloe noticed. Oh crap. She simply watched with a look that told me that she knew everything. I prepared myself for all the texts in the group chat. I got up and walked out Chlo following. We were pulling out our train tickets back when a random woman wearing the royal emblem bowed down and said "愿上帝保佑你我的公主" (It means 'May god bless you my princess') I smiled back, but in reality I was super confused. What the frick did she mean?

When we arrived at the hotel Luka was mad at us for coming late. I just nodded, knowing he had fought with Juleka again. She was still on Lie-la's side, and thought Luka was only following my because he liked me. Well, if Juleka had actually bothered about her brother, she would know he turned Ace three years ago. 

I walked inside my room and put on some pajamas:

I walked inside my room and put on some pajamas:

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I slept well that night.

ok so I hope u liked it! Sorry i've been afk, my laptop was broken. But now everything's fixed and part 2 will be up by next week! Thank u for being patient, especially @Komal2008

Love ya!


BTW : I may start horror one-shots, starting Halloween

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