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Sometimes it feels like world stopped right? No of course not , I've not fallen in love again but the world seems to stopped for my two idiot best friends. Since I told then I've just met a girl for whom I fell . They both paused like an old tape. Not moving an inch . Was it so unbelievable for me to get a love interest. Apparently Yes, because I was the one who would give lectures how love is waste of time, how I wanted to puke when I see two people so in love. And here I was the first one in our group to fall in love. Wow

It unbearable to see their idiot faces making No expressions so I broke the chain of silence .

"Guys" I shouted

They both broke of the trance , looked here and there like they've just woken up from a deep sleep . And I was standing by the support of the sidewalk wall looking at them with a bored expression. Because literally They were over reacting

And suddenly they both looked at me wide eyed and shouted in unison making my ears go deaf

"You What?" Idiots shouted

They are idiots I am telling you

"I have fallen in love and I want that girl to be mine. Simple" I explained

"So, you the almighty Xavier Knight. Who said love was a waste of time and was stupidly debating this morning how love at first in a stupid thing now fallen in love. Just Amazing" Chris said

"You've really fallen in love huh? First I just don't want to react like this idiot . So can you please tell me the whole story that what on earth happened in one hour that your ideology on love changed" Aidan said

And so Aidan words had a logic I started to explain them what happened?

"So after you both excused yourselves, I was walking down the pavement silently drinking my coffee when suddenly a petite figure collided with my body making all her coffee fell in my shirt. I was so angry at this clumsy person on how their clumsiness ruined my t-shirt. So i was about to give on of my famous glare and a hardcore shaking speech , I was greeted by the most beautiful face I have ever saw. Her feature were so delicate like god took way too long to make her. Her nose, her rosy lips, her cheeks and the most beautiful thing in her face her beautiful brown eyes all were extravagant beautiful. I was so mesmerized with het beauty that I didn't even realised she was trying to clean up my shirt with napkin and she was apologizing again and again. Then suddenly she stopped and looked me in the eye and I was broken out of my trance . I said it's fine and she nodded and was going off but just then I caught her wrist and asked her name and she told her name was Ella" I said

But there was no expression in their faces and I suddenly remembered one important point

"And you guys will think that's just an infatuation but all those thing that Chris mentioned in morning about Love at first sight came true . " I said with dreamy eyes.

"You've really fallen in love bro" they both said amused while they shook their heads

I just gave them one of my infamous glare but again it was long gone with their one question

"If you want to make her yours . We need to find her . what's her name actually surname?" Chris asked

And here as a fool I am I don't know her surname .

"I don't know her surname" I replied

They both looked at me like I've grown horns on my head and gave me looks full of disbelief.

"Wow just wow you've finally fallen in love with someone and now you are telling me that you don't even know her surname. Have you gone freaking nuts. Now how we will find her " Aidan said

" she was in a hurry so she didn't said her full name but by hook or by crook I will find her." I stated.

And when I looked at Aidan and chris they both just mouthed 'Whipped'.

And I just rolled my eyes and we all went towards my car to sit and go for the first day at university.

On the whole ride while driving I was thinking about Ella. How she was so perfect. And all those things. Aidan and chris were talking but I was not really in a mood to talk with anybody I just wanted to dream about ella my ella. So that's what I was doing.

As we reached university I parked the car in the VIP section because my father is a trusty of this University.

As we all three get off the car the whole area went silent all were gawking at us . Girls giving us seductive looks, some boys with shock . But there was something common in everyone's eyes that was fear.

And I just love When people are feared by me. Only those people whom I care and love are free to speak to me other than them no body means no body can breathe air within my 6 feet reach. Today one more person added to my list of favorite people.

As I started to walk off. I was about to enter the Administrative office when my eyes got locked up with a brunettes head.

Well that head seems familiar. I just shrugged and went towards the Administrative office to get required things.

As I entered the teacher there stood up and asked my name and all and gave me time table and all those shits for which i don't give two shits.

As I walked off the office I saw something or rather some

"Ella" a whisper left my lips along with two gasps of my friends and there she was my ella standing and talking to two girls . Smiling and laughing at the things they were saying.

I was so shocked that ella also study in the same university. I mean destiny played its game. I just smirked and my mind said to me

Stars are finally lined up Xavier!


Thank you Cupcakes

Questions time: ebook or novel

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