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Sometimes I feel I can handle my brother easily because he loves me so damn much that he will listen and understand what am I saying. But in the situation like this I just doubt my capability of handling my brother.

Evan have locked himself up in his room after he fought with dad over the matter of Knights coming for dinner.

I was continuously banging the door for my brother to open the door so we can talk and solve this out, but he was not listening to me. Stubborn apple(ass).

Suddenly my mom came and announced in a loud voice so that my brother can also hear,
"One hour is only left for the Knights to come and Ella go get ready." she said And shooed me off towards my room.

I went towards my room , opened my wardrobe and started search for a dress. After a whole lot of searching I ended me with a white colored, mid-thigh dress . I bought it but never wore it. Finally got the chance to wear it.

I stride towards my bathroom and took a very short shower of 10 mins after I soaked water from my body and put on the dress

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I stride towards my bathroom and took a very short shower of 10 mins after I soaked water from my body and put on the dress . I did my makeup minimal as possible with a dash of mascara and nude lip stick. As I was applying perfume I heard my mom called for me informing that the guests are there.

I hurriedly combed my hair, left it down that my curls were cascading down my back and started to make my way downstairs. I was in a hurry because I knew Evan will do lots of drama in order to come down . So atleast I should be there.

As I entered living room , I was welcomed with four faces , a man probably in his 50's . But still looks young, a women in her late 40's in a sleek black dress , Emma and Xavier. Totally expected.

As they were meeting each other, Xavier suddenly looked at my way and shock was the expression all evident on his face . Then shock melted to something else which I can't decipher. At that time my mom noticed my presence and introduced me to the Knights.

"And here is my daughter Ella " she introduced me to the guest. All looked at me and I just smiled at them . Emma was shocked to see me there and suddenly when I went to stand next to my mum , Emma hugged me and said to her mom.

"Mom this was the girl I was talking about " Emma said

"Your new friend?" Mrs. Knight asked

She nodded and grinned looking at me. I smiled at her mom and she looked at me with love and respect in her eyes.

"Well I should say Mrs. Clark your daughter is very beautiful ." she said to my mom.

I just smiled and thanked them . At that time my mom announced that dinner is ready and let's have dinner.

As we all were moving towards dining hall. I heard a whisper in my ear.

" I didn't knew you were Evan's little sister " He said with a smirk and I totally ignored him .

"Well I should say you are looking beautiful. " this time he said I looked at him with a genuine smile and of course the stupid blush.

I thanked him .

"Where is your son Samuel ?" Mr. Knight asked.

"Where's Evan Natalie?" My dad asked my mom.

She looked at me with pleading eyes so I spoke.

"He must be getting ready, I'll go and call him" I said and headed towards Evans room.

When I reached his room I saw his room was opened. So I entered his room . I saw he was smoking. He does that when he is angry. .

"Bro" I said

"Leave ella I am not coming down." he said . Well that was Rude.

"Bro please you have to come down , I know you have problems with Xavier which I am not forcing you to tell me , I just want you to know he is dad's boss and he personally called you and dad asked me to call you down , so please brother atleast for dad's reputation come down" I said.

"Ella I have a lot of things to pack , that's why I can't come down " he said and I frowned

"Where are you going? Oh wait are you leaving the house because dad's called them at our House. Please Evan don't do this please ." I said pleading . I was at the verge of crying .

"What no! I just have to go to California for some weeks I actually have some work there" he said

"Its fine I'll help you pack after the dinner. I promise" I said with a grin.

And finally my brother gave up and started to Make his way downstairs with me. I told you he will never will from me.

When we went down mom called us both to have a seat . When Xavier saw Evan he smirked at him and my brother was just about to pounce at him when I took hold of Evans forearm. God this boys and their stupidity rivalry.

We both went and sat in the dining table. We started to silently eat out dinner when suddenly Evan announced that he is going to California. Mom and dad agreed but one thing confused me was that when Evan announced he was going to California, Xavier smirked at me. I just shrugged it off and started to eat my dinner as it was Steak!! Who in the world doesn't like Steak with grilled carrot and onions.

When dinner was over we all went towards the living room. Me and Evan didn't want to but we did nevertheless.

As we reached at living room Mr. Knight spoke "Thank you for the lovely dinner Samuel and Mrs. Clark, it was delicious. "

Later rest of the three Knights thanked us too.

"Okay son have a safe flight " Mrs. Knight said to Evan and he gave her a nod and smile. Atleast he smiled. He was sitting like a robot a through the dinner.

They bid their goodbyes and was going , when my brother went towards his room I was walking them to door with my parents . I hugged Emma and said to tell her everything later and she also noticed something odd about the behavior of my brother .

When I was waving I again heard a whisper , and I freaking knew who it belonged to,

"So your brother is going out , So now i can finally have you all to myself. " Xavier said and climbed in his Lamborghini .

Now I freaking realised why he smirked at me in dining table .

Damn it!!! Or Damn me!!

Thank you Cupcakes
Questions time: Coffee or Cake
-both are life

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