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I was always that type of person if thinking about something, I will think about it only but after seeing that handsome adonis staring into me, I was feeling like he stared right into my soul. I just can't forget how those beautiful black eyes looked in my dull brown ones.

I just shook my head and reminded myself , why am I thinking about him , it's not like we will meet again. But I somewhere in back of my mind I had a feeling I am going to see him again.

As walking and thinking about the handsome adonis , I didn't realized i reached where zoe's car was parked and both of my friends were glaring at me . When I looked at them they said very sweetly.

"Where the fuck you were ella? We've been waiting here for 20 minutes " Kate shouted at me .

I just covered my ears and shouted Let me explain.

"I got a call from my mom , I talked with her for a while . Then I....." and then I lied..... yes people I lied

"I found some really cute puppies and I started to play with them and got late" I said

"OMG girl how can you be so stupid. You got late because you were playing g with puppies. How stupid that sounds. When I said let's get a puppy home you just be like 'no that's a bad idea' but now you are playing with puppies and getting late on the first day of university fucking wow.." Zoe said this in one take.. yes people one take.

And me and Kate were looking at her amused. And finally Kate announced we should got to the university as we don't want to be late for the first day And grab unwanted attention .

We sat in the car and drove off towards University . During the whole car ride Kate and Zoe were talking., but my mind was fully occupied with that black eyes. I tried to join their conversation but I was again drifted off to his black eyes

As we reached our university, we get off the car and look around. And it was just that typical university surrounding. Some girls in short skirts, boys in leather jackets, nerds with a book , couple smooching each other face off and etc.

We just took our bags from the car and walked towards the Administrative office to grab our time table and all. While we were walking we grabbed some attention which made me totally uncomfortable.
God why can't they just move their eyes away. Idiots

As we reached Administrative office a lady was sitting there who gave us our time table and locker no. And code.
Luckily our lockers were just besides each other. So we were very happy that we could spend some time together before going to classes. As we get to our lockers Zoe or I should say 'over-excited' Zoe shouted in a shrill voice

"Woah!!! Three bestie's lockers are also besties " she said.

And I just looked at my show in embarrassment and Kate was digging hole in Zoe head by her famous glare.

" Yeah and I am thinking why the hell I made you my best friend " Kate said in a sarcastic tone.

I just giggled at that and after seeing their goddamn expressions I started to laugh whole heartedly. I am telling you guys they can defeat stand up comedians with their fight. Zoe excused herself to go to the bathroom and Kate followed her shouting 'I am not finished with you yet bitch'.

I just shook my head , recovering from laughter when I saw when I was laughing people were looking at me with 'awe' expression. I just awkwardly coughed and turned towards my locker to put my books in there before I head towards the class

I was just putting my books when I felt somebody is behind me as my eyebrows frowned , someone from behind called my name Ella

I turned and was shocked to see he was that same person on whom I spilled my coffee. He was looking at me with a different expression in his eyes. Behind his there were standing to more boys , both were handsome but not as much as this Coffee guy.

"Hey! We met again" He said

"Yeah we did" I said

"So we didn't had a proper introduction, and may I do you study here too?" He asked

"Yes i study here too and My name is Ella Clark ." I said with a small smile

"Hey Ella again . I am Xavier " he said with one of his charming smirk

I just smiled and was just going to walk off when his two friends said

"How rude of me to not introduce ourself I am Aidan and this is Christian " Aidan guy said with a beautiful smile. He is cute

"You know i have a mouth and I could've introduce myself " Christian said

And just like Zoe and Kate they started to bicker too. I just giggled seeing them.

And at that time they stopped bickering at looked at me .

"Well you guys just bicker like my two best friends so." I said with giggling a little

They just turned read and Xavier just laughed at their expression . At that time bell got rang marking the classes to begin.

"It was nice meeting you all " I said with a small smile and walked from there.

I didn't have the first class with Zoe or Kate. So I was alone , I entered the class which got some attention and after some glances they went back to what they were doing .

I choosed the third seat near window. As I sat our proffesor entered the class

"Good morning students. I am Mr. Turner . Your Biology teacher. I hope you all will give your best this year and will score good marks." As he was saying door just barged opened and any guesses who entered .

Of course Xavier and his two friends.
They saw me and gave me a bright smile . While made head turned towards me . I just gave them a small smile and started to concentrate in my book.

I just don't want to grab some unwanted attention .

But I do noticed how girls were looking at three with weird looks and boy with envy. I just concentrated on my books.

As they all sat very near me much to my dislike , Mr. Turner said in a angry tone.

"Mr. Knight you and your best friends are late. Classes have some rules, which you have to follow" He said

"Mr. Turner I am the one who make rules" Xavier Said in a bored tone

"Mr. Knight....umm.. class take out the page number 15 " Mr. Turner said in a scared tone

But my attention in class was long gone because the mention of Xavier's Surname.

He is The Xavier Knight. Son of the Richest person is America and I spilled my coffee over him . God save me.

I just looked at him with a frightened expression and he was looking at me with a look 'let me explain '.

I just turned my head from there because talking to such a Rich bad boy will be the last thing on earth i want to do.

God what did I put myself into.


Thank you Cupcakes

Questions time:Noodles or Pizza

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