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My life was going like a cakewalk. A handsome man as my boyfriend who love and care for meand protect me from everything. I just love him . How can somebody can't he is so perfect.

Everything is going very perfectly but somewhere in tge back of my mind I have a feeling that something is going to happen. I don't really know what it is but I surely know that something is going to happen.

Currently I was in cafeteria with Zoe and Kate waiting for the boys . We were chit chatting about some topic when the door of the cafeteria was barged opened by none other than Chris and what he said really made my knees go weak.

"Ella your brother is beating the shit out of Xavier " he said to me while panting.

I just ran towards the ground without giving a second glance at the people who were calling my names. Oh my God why Evan is beating Xav, did something happened between those two. But, if something happened Xavier would've told me but he never mentioned anything about Evan to me.

When I reached the football ground I saw my brother and boyfriend having a heartclench match. I was so in shock that I freezed in my place. I was unable to move. My friends joined me . They also gasped while seeing the match. We all didn't know what to do.

At that exact time Aidan ran towards us said to me.

"Ella your brother is beating the shit of Xavier because he got to know that he is dating you" he said.

And at that exact moment my world stop. Evan my brother is beating a man to pulp just because I love him and I am dating him . I love my brother the most, but he have no rights to control my life. Heck how can he beat someone whom I love.

I was so in rage that I started to walk towards Evan and Xavier. I am so pissed off with Evan that the world can't stop me from shouting at him.

I love Evan . He is one of the most important person I my life and this is what he did to me. Evan why did you do this. I didn't realised but some drops of tears came out of my eyes.

When I reached there I heard my brother shouting that how can Xavier date me and lots of those shits.

I just moved in between them and separated them both with all the force that I can exert at that particular moment.

Xavier and Evan both were shocked as to who got the guts to separate a fighting heir of Clark family and heir of Knight family. And when they looked at me the shock was evident in their facial expressions. When I looked at Evan he didn't had much wounds that means Xavier was being civil human being and not an animal unlike my brother who was about to kill Xavier. But when I looked at Xavier I was not able to control my tears and I cried fully out loud. He have so many wounds and bruise in his body , some areas were turning purple- black . How can my brother do this to my Xavier.

I just ran towards Xavier and hugged him he also hugged me back by my waist and kept one hand at my hair. My head was placed on his chest , under his chin and I was crying. I tightly hugged him and he buried his face in my neck and gave a peck there and said.

"I am fine love . I am fine. Don't cry baby." he said But the pain was evident in his voice.

"I am sorry I am sorry. " I kept on apologizing to him.

Suddenly I remembered who did this.

I detached myself from Xavier and furiously turned around towards my brother and said.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Evan Clark. Who the hell do you think you are that you can do this to the man I love. Who the fuck you think you are. Just because you are my brother did I signed a contract of signing my life off to you that you will take decisions for my life and I will not be able to do something for my happiness. Is that so?" I shouted at his face

"How dare you date him ella. Didn't I told you not to go anywhere near him huh?" He shouted at me.

"Just shut the fuck up ! Being my brother doesn't give you the right to control my life. My whole life you controlled me. But Xavier set me free he made me feel those emotions which nobody can let me feel. Especially you. You only know how to control me and my life. I thought when I started dating him , when you will return back i will tell you the truth and you will understand us and clear all the misunderstandings between you both but no you chose this path so let me tell you that was a wrong move ." I shouted

I can see my friends including Xavier was looking at me in shock as to I was shouting at the person whom I loved the most and I was cursing at him too. But this time I am pissed.

"I don't know what the fuck emotions you are talking about but just let me tell you , you can't date him. Lets go home we will solve this there" Evan said to me.

I just shooked my head.

The shock of disbelief was evident in his face.

"So--so you mean you choose him over me." Evan said to me

"If you can't accept our relationship, so let's face it. Yes I choose him, a thousand times over you." I said

"Are you choosing him over me ella?" Evan said with disgust all over his face.

"Till the end of my life" I said in a calm tone while holding Xaviers hand in mine.

" I am going to kill you" Evan said to Xavier .

"Over my dead body" I said and walked out from there.

I thought my life was going on smooth but after every good day a strom comes in everyone's life. And this was mine. And if Evan don't accept Xavier I am going to lose one of the most important relationship to me.

I don't know what will happen but I will hold Xavier hand till i take my last breath.


So it was heck of an chapter . I really liked Ella attitude but I hated how she behaved with his brother but nevertheless something is going to happen. Will it break ella and Xavier apart.

Thank you Cupcakes

Question time: Kill one character from this book ?
- Tyler (if he didn't informed Evan )

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