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Today was the day whole university was waiting for . Our prom day.

Theme was winter so everyone decided we all are going to dress in blue.

We were getting ready for the prom . We were helping each other with make up and hair too.

Our dresses were amazing.

Our dresses were amazing

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Ella's Dress

Kate's Dress

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Kate's Dress

Kate's Dress

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Zoe's Dress

As we all got ready we made our way towards my car and head off towards the auditorium were prom was going to be held

When we reached there every one were so excited.

Everyone were clicking pictures. Enjoying, drinking , partying and all of that. Me , Kate and Zoe also started to enjoy ourselves. We clicked pics. They both drank and all of that.

But we suddenly stopped when our eyes locked with those certain three bad boys. Those eyes were only locked at us. I looked away from them and suddenly the stage was took by our valedictorian to gave a speech about prom. And how this year was memorable and all that. It was indeed memorable .

Let me tell you she gives amazing speeches . Her speech was so fun and up to point . After her speech we were having a talk with others.

I was completely ignoring xaviers presence but he kept on mouthing me 'sorry' or 'let's talk' and I ignored him .

Suddenly the stage was took by ... Evan?

What was Evan doing in here .and why is he standing there with a mic. All were looking at him with a confused and curious faced as to what he wanted to say. I also got very confused on what on earth he wants to say.

"I apologize for my sudden entry. I know I may spoil your prom with this speech but my confrontation is very important today " he started

" 3 years back I made the biggest mistake of my life. I misunderstood my babe, Xavier, my best friend . I thought he can hurt me or he can cheat on me. But everything was done by that person whom I was friends all this years. With one fucking misunderstanding and all are friendship went in drain . I used to trust xav with every ounce on my body and I knew he is never going to break it. But when the time came to believe him I landed punches in him without listening to his side. I turned out to be his Rival. I became such a egoistic dumb person that I didn't even understand a simple thing that Xavier can't do that to me and I also was not able to understand how much xav loves ella nobody else can"

"Yes I am saying this Xavier loves ella. And I feel so ashamed of myself that I considered and marked there love as a crime. I thought Xavier will break ella's heart but I was the one who kept on breaking my sister heart. I didn't even think about how she would be feeling when she saw the love of her life got beaten to death by her very own fucker brother. "

"But today i want to make my all mistakes right. And I will .." he said And by that time me and Xavier were crying .

He suddenly dropped the mic and started to make way towards me. He came and stood in front of me , took hold of my hand started to drag me towards Xavier. I got confused what's happening

And suddenly when we reached there he took Xavier hand and placed my hand on top of it , smiled and made his way out.

But he stopped and turned around and said " he is not anymore your brothers Rival ella .. he was and is your brothers best friend and xav Your ella is now yours nobody is going to take her away from you." he said And made his way far from us and stand next to Chris and Aidan.

I looked at Xavier and we both have the same expression on our faces we were crying and laughing at the same time and suddenly he landed his lips on mine. This is what I was waiting for my whole life.


She is the missing puzzle of my life, she is my everything. After we broke the kiss we hugged. We hugged wach other so much tightly that we both will dissappear into thin air.

Everybody were hooting and clapping at us but our both concentration were in each other

"Best day of my life." She whispered into his ear and he responded

"Same here love. I got my everything back " he said

We broke the hug , we rested our foreheads on each other's and were giggling . It was a magical moment. I wanted it to last forever.

"I love you my sunshine, my love , my everything " he said

"Thank you for dripping all your coffee at Me and I am in debt of Aidan forever that he took me there where I met you" he said while laughing

" I love you my bad boy forever and ever in this lifetime " I said And landed my lips on his.

I didn't knew my senior year was going to be this Normal (sarcasm) .

But I couldn't ask for anything better. Not now not anymore. I got what I wanted. What I needed. My bad boy. My Xavier.



Thank you everyone for supporting me while I wrote this book . This was my first ever story. And I am proud of it. Please get me some tissue as I am crying as it came to an end .

But wait I am going to write two very interesting and important epilogue and before that a very important authors note please read I..

Thank you cupcakes. And please support the epilogue and read it too. It's going to be very informative and interesting and it's going to be filled with what you guys want Xavier and ella. And a very important scene for which everybody is been waiting for..

Thank you cupcakes
Love you all

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