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Things in my life was always been planned out at what age what I want to do. But due to the sudden entry of someone my world did a 180⁰ revolution and a very unexpected thing happened with me . Girl which didn't had a boyfriend since forever now have a boyfriend. Just wow.

Everyday I just wake up simply but today I waked up with a smile on my face . I danced-walked my way till my wardrobe and started to pick out a dress . I don't know everyday I just pick out any dress but today I want to look special well should I add for special someone .

I choosed a burgundy colored Skirt with a black strip top and accompanied it with black shoes..

I got ready and today I was in a very happy mood so I made my way towards dining table with a smile on my face.

Good morning mum" I wished my mom while kissing in the cheek

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Good morning mum" I wished my mom while kissing in the cheek

"Good morning " she said with a confused smile

"Good morning dad" I said while back hugging my dad

"Good morning, you seem very happy princess" Dad said

"Because i am" I replied while sitting on the dining table to eat my breakfast

"Well that's good" dad said and mom and I nodded .

When I was eating my breakfast I heard horns.

"I think Zoe is here to pick me up. I am full. Bye dad Bye mum" I said while running towards door

As I came out I thought I will come face to face with zoe's car but here he was, my handsome Boyfriend. Leaning in his car door looking at me

I just shared my head with a smile and approached him

"Good morning love" he wished me with a forehead kiss

"Good morning " I replied while blushing

"Your chauffeur at you service madamè " he said with a fake French accent.

I just giggled and sit inside the car. He in just a spare of a second came and said down in driving seat and we made our way towards University .

"I thought Zoe was going to pick me up" I said while playing with his finger as he placed his hands upon my thigh while driving .

"I told her that we are dating and from now I will pick you up." he simply said

" YOU WHAT!!!!" I shouted

"Damn love I want us both alive" he said while getting the car back on track as it got off-track .

" You said Zoe that we are dating and by this time I think Kate knows too and I didn't told them directly . God I am doomed" I said

" it's ok love I will save you" he said while pecking my lips .

I just blushed and sat in my seat . When we reached at University, we came out together which gathered a lot of attraction. I thought I would let him go first but he suddenly pulled and entwined our fingers together and we made our way to our lockers all the while I was blushing .

When we both approached locker i was welcome with two beautifully annoyed faces of Zoe ,Kate and Emma.

They approached us and started shouting at us for not telling them . God they are being so noisy. Till now I think everybody knows I am dating Xavier. While Kate and Zoe are giving me a lecture of friendship rules, Emma is ripping his brother brain of that it was his duty to tell her as she is his sister .

"Guys we have just started to date yesterday you all are just making a fuss out of it . So, If you three and all those people standing in here who are waiting for our official statement on our relationship. So, yes I am dating this beautiful girl beside me named Ella Clark. Those who want to create a fuss, can disturb me no problem with but if anyone ask or say anything heck even breathe near my girl I'll literally break every fucking bone of your body and you all know once I say something I literally mean it." Xavier said coldly with a dead stare directed towards everybody who were standing in crowd .

"The show is over people" Chris said as he approached us. He and Aidan first gave a hug to Xavier and then me. Crowd also scurried away .

"Hey there sister-in-law" they both said in unison while smirking.

Kate, Zoe and Xavier just laughed while I just blushed and slapped their arms .

After our little moment at our lockers we all headed to our classes. Me and Chris had a class together and rest all were together in AP. Me and Chris approached class together and he selected seat for both of us. We were talking when teacher came and class started .

After our classes we all met at the canteen . As I approached canteen as I was the last because my last class was not with anybody of our group. I saw all my friends sitting in a table together being the centre of attraction of everybody.God Help me!

When they saw me they shouted that they already bought my food and I have no need to stand in a line. When I got to them they were having a serious discussion over something So I asked while sitting next to Xavier who pecked me in cheek.

"So can I ask what discussion is going over here" I asked while eating fries from my boyfriends plate which he doesn't seem to mind at all nevertheless he is feeding me more.

"We are discussing over the football match tommorow, you are coming right ella ? Our Xavier needs support ." Aidan said while smirking while acting all innocent battling his eyelashes.

"What football match?" I asked while looking towards Xavier .

"There is our football match tommorow and I would really like if you would come to my match tommorow wearing My jersey. " he said

I was unsure about it so I was just fidgeting with my words .

"Please" he said pouting.

"Okay" I can't bear over his cuteness and told him that i will come. Everybody in here banged table.

After our classes got over, we all met at parking lot.

"Sorry baby I can't drop you off at your home,I have to practice for the match tommorow or else my coach will sue me" Xavier apologized.

I just told him no need of any sorry and kissed his cheek . I said bye to everyone and promised I will come tommorow and will meet them before match . I sat in Zoe's car and headed towards home.

Tommorow me and Xavier are going to make our relationship official. We will be officially a couple in front of everybody. I am going to wear his jersey and for the first time I am going to see a football match and that too of my boyfriend who also happened to be the team captain.

God help me tommorow or I'll be doomed! Oh god how can I be excited and scared at same time . Well let's just say Pros and Consof being most popular boy of University's Girlfriend. Hectic I know.


Thank you Cupcakes
Questions time: Pasta or Pizza
- Pasta specially Arbiatta pasta

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