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Life is so unpredictable, yesterday we were so happy together, making amazing memories, I thought actually I should say i made up a plan that i will tell everything to Evan after he come back from his trip and after that I'll propose Ella for marriage but all my plans went down in vain, when that incident which happened 30 minutes ago happened.

I was practicing i didn't knew out of nowhere Evan would come and beat the shit out of Me, I could've also beaten him badly but I saw Ella face in front of my eyes and I stopped my actions of defending my self and took all the punches Evan was throwing my way . I was only seeing ella face in front of my eyes and that stabled me and my anger or else this bastard was dead today.

I don't out of nowhere ella appeared , fought with her brother and took me home. I didn't liked that she fought with her brother because I know how much he mean to her. But this time ella is really pissed and I know its better to keep quiet in this situation. Because my girlfriend looks hello angry now and i dont want her kill me if I opened my mouth unnecessarily.

Ella was driving towards my penthouse. When we reached there she helped out and we both went towards my bedroom. She gently helped me to sit on the bed And took my first kit from where she knew it was placed and started to clean my wounds.

She was only looking at my wound , not at me , she was just cleaning my wounds and all.

I gently lifted her chin to make a eye contact with her and what I saw really made my heart broke into pieces. My Ella who always was a happy girl, who can find happiness in the most smallest possibilities. Have tears in her eyes. She looked broken.

"Ella" I whispered

"I know you want to break up with me . You are this much hurt just because of me , I know but I just want to treat your wound and I will walk out of your house." she said while tears were continues to fall from the eyes I fell in love with.

"No No No baby what are you saying. Never in this lifetime I want to break up with you, what the hell made you think that." I said while wiping tears from her rosy cheeks.

She suddenly hugged me and cried on my shoulder . I kept on soothing her back while saying soothing words to her and kissing her neck .

I don't like my love crying like this. I want my ella , who only got the power to bring a genuine smile in my face . I want my ella back. Evan why you messed everything up . Because of you my ella is crying like this for the first time. I am not forgiving you for this.

"Why Xav why, why my brother did this to me . Why he hurt the person I love the most in this world. Why did he not trust me. Why did he hurt you. I loved him so much and this is what he did to me. Why Xavier Why?" She said while crying on my shoulder

I separated myself from her gently and said.

"He only did that because he loves you so much that he can't see you get hurt. You being with a guy like me made him mad. I don't deserve you I know , but I am selfish to keep you with me and that's what he is tensed about." I said to her

"How can you be this good. And why did you said you dont deserve me. I'll kill you for saying this line once you get healthy. I love you so much jerk" she said while chuckling a little

I just chuckled and said ,
"I love you too my love"

We just cuddled I my bed after she treated all my wounds.
We were watching Brooklyn Nine Nine when the door of my bedroom barged open revealing Zoe, Aidan , Kate and Chris. They all had worried expression on their faces.

They suddenly threw all questions at me like I am fine , do they need to call doctor and blah blah blah. My ella just controlled her tears and these motherfuckers are reminding her of the incident again.

Can't they see they are spoiling two love birds quality time . But no they need to interrupt us. Jerks.

"I am fine guys." I said with finality in my voice.

They all nodded and sat in my bed we all started to talk but after Zoe asked one question everything went silent.

"Ella what now?" Zoe asked.

After a good amount of five minutes ella answered

"I don't know what's gonna happen now but one thing I know for sure is I love Xavier and I truly abide by my words and would love to hold Xaviers hand while we go through convincing Evan for our relationship " she said while holding my hand and looking at it smiling.

All were looking at us with awe expression and I myself was looking at my ella with admiration.

Don't worry ella because this Rivalry will end soon when I will tell your brother the truth about what exactly happened in our past.


What do you guys think happened in xaviers and Evans past which cause them to be the rivals. Well tune in into the next chapter to find out.

Thank you cupcakes

Question time: Robert Pattinson , Nick bateman and Chris Hemsworth Kill date marry ?
- Rob : Marry duh!
Nick : date
Chris: sorry thor (lol)

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