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It's been three days since I last met Xavier. Last three days since we talked , message or met with each other.

I just don't understand why he is ignoring me. Is he going to take off all anger of my brother anger on me. But he was the one who promised me he will make everything right . He will not leave my hand. But now he is ignoring

Yesterday Evan also went somewhere , I don't know where. I am not talking to Evan too. I am completely ignoring him . Our parents are also noticing it , but they didn't said anything about it because they also know this is something related to Me dating Xavier. Well should I say was. No Right?

But when Evan came home later late at night. He was in shock, from his face I can also see he cried and he looked in guilt. I don't know what happened but I so wanted to console my brother but with very difficultly I stopped myself.

Now I am getting ready for a new day at University. Zoe and Kate are going to pick me up because for some peculiar reasons me and Xavier are not in a very good terms.

I was just not excited to get ready today. Each day I used to get ready for Xavier but today I just don't understand why I don't want to get ready.

 Each day I used to get ready for Xavier but today I just don't understand why I don't want to get ready

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I just wore a beige coloured shirt and denim shorts. I didn't did any make up. Wore my sneakers , took my bag and phone and started to make my way downstairs.

I was welcomed with the sight of my family eating breakfast. I just made my way outside because I was not in the mood to eat anything.

When I went outside I waited for like five minutes and Zoe car picked me up.

In car too , I was not speaking . I think I don't have much energy to talk to anybody now.

Realizing it Zoe and kate were also quite and car atmosphere was also dense which is contradictory to the fact that there always music blasted our car. And we shouting on top of our lungs.

When we reached University, Zoe parked her car in the parking lot and we all made our way outside. I saw Xavier's car parked too. Suddenly I felt anger burned inside me.

He should be the one who should be there for me and when I needed him the most ge left hold of my hand.

When we all three entered University, every body were giving me strange looks. Some with shock , some with pity, some with disgust and some with concern and confusion.

I just made my way towards our locker because I don't have anymore energy for anymore drama in my life.

When we reached our lockers, I picked up my books and was making my ways towards my class with my friends when we saw Xavier, Aidan and Chris entering from our opposite direction.

Our eyes locked just in time and all the noise in the hallway stopped . All eyes were on us . And I knew every one were waiting for my next action.

Let Mr. Xavier Asher Knight have a taste of his own medicine.

I just made my way confidently and made my way towards classroom without acknowledging their presence.

I heard some gasp and damns . But the only voice I heard was the distinct voice of Xavier calling my name.

First three classes were amazing ( note the sarcasm) . Every one showed me pity which I hated.

Now it was the most difficult time of the day. It used to be my favorite class where all six of us were together but now things are different.

I made my way towards the class and saw all five of them were sitting on our usual spot and my seat which was next to Xavier was still empty.

With a heavy heart I changed my way and sat at the distinct corner where a long window was there . I sat in that seat. I saw my friends reaction but now I don't know I just don't feel ok. I know I need Xavier but what he did to me was totally and utterly wrong. He should have atleast talked to me. But he decided to ignore me.

In middle of the class our mam excused herself to make a call and at that sudden time Xavier came and started questioning me.

"El why are you ignoring me ?" I chosed to not answer that.

And one after the other he started to throw questions at me.

I just loosed my temper and said

"Why the fuck do you care Xavier Knight? When I called you and messaged you thousands of time, you were declining my calls and leaving messages on delivered. I was just a game to you Right?. You never really loved or cared for me . Because of one fucking of your and my brothers past you left my hand . You went all M.I.A. all this past days. When I needed you the most you were not there and I am going to hate you forever for it." With that I ran towards the main gate of university.

I can't stand in that place anymore. I need place to breathe.

I sat in a cab and went towards my home. In whole journey I was crying . The cab driver gave me a tissue for which I thanked him.

When I reached my home i ran towards my room and hoped in bed.

I have no more energy. It feels like I am already dead.

I don't know when I nodded off. But I was woken up by Zoe and kate.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked them

"We know ella , whatever happened with you was very bad but now you really need to stop being this and start being your usual self . Atleast try for us" Kate said while holding my hand

I nodded with a smile because they were right.

"And you know the best way to do it is tommorow " Kate nad Zoe said

"What is tommorow?" I asked

" Come on girls don't tell me you forget tommorow is our prom day and you are coming with us. No excuses. Now get your ass up out of that bed we are going for shopping for our dress." They said

They dragged me off my bed and we started to make my way towards Zoe car.

I hope this prom will turn our life into a normal one again without any drama.
A person can only wish.


Thank you cupcakes
Only 3 chapters left before I say goodbye to my first book.
I am having cold feet.
Please comment what you guys think will happen next.

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