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I know i have not been updating for a while now a lot of things are going on in my life and I was literally very busy. It's a short chapter but it's enough to tell you what is the perspective of Evan . So here you are with a new chapter



It's been so many days I have been out of my home. I really miss my family especially my baby sis. I am used to her presence but not feeling her around me for almost 3 months is really pissing me off. Today is the last day of my seminar and after that I'll be flying off towards my home and meet my family. When I came from home I was really pissed of because of him that fucking Xavier Knight.

I really don't understand why did he have to be our family friend out of all people in the world . I was ready having a hard time in my house with him and I fucking looked the way he was looking at my sister. But i just don't really understand why ella was blushing while looking or I should glancing at him . Maybe I was just hallucinating. My ella will not in near of someone whom I hate.

So after freaking three months , I am going back home . I am so excited to go back my home. I brought many gifts for my family especially ella.

She never asked Any gift from me but i really like giving her gifts. I bought some dresses , shoes, jewellery for her. I love her so much . I know she is the only person in the entire who will never ever betray me. I trust and love her so much. I can do anything for her.

As I was packing my suitcase I got a call from Tyler he is one of my friend and team mate from basketball team .I got confused as to why he is calling me I picked up the call to hear what he have to say

"Hey man" I said

"Do you really know what going on behind your back man?" he said

"Whats going on " I asked confused as to what is going on

"Man you really don't know what is going on? " He asked

"No I dont" I said With a very impatient voice

"God! Your dearest sister whom you trust the most in the entire world is dating your biggest Rival Xavier Knight behind your back . They both are dating, chilling , kissing and hanging out man." he said

"What the fuck are you talking about Tyler white. My sister can't do that to me. " I shouted at him

"If you don't trust me you will trust the pictures I have of them right " he said And cut the call.

He send me soms pictures when I downloaded and opened it I saw my sister kissing , and having fun with my dearest Rival.

My whole world crashed down at me . I was just not believing that something like this my sister could do to me whom I trusted the most in this world.

I just sat down on my bed and my phone slid off my hand and hot the floor and broke into million of pieces.

I was shocked to my core as to why she did this. Didn't I told her to not go anywhere near him and heck she is dating him .

And that Xavier how the hell he got so many guts to date my sister. I will kill him . I will definitely do.

And I will also not sphere Ella for this mistake for sure.


I landed onto the airport and marched towards the car in total anger I was in so much rage that I was seeing all red.

I just went towards my cab and told the driver to take me to ella's university. I am not going to leave that Xavier.

As I reached their university I marched towards the gate , when I reached there i asked on the students where is that fucking Xavier and he said that he is in football ground practicing .

I just marched towards football ground I am not going to leave him .

As I reached football ground I saw him practising , all members of football team saw me so the cleared the way for Me to go . He was still oblivious of my presence. When I reached near him he turn around. At first his jaw clench and then he got confused as to why i am approaching him . Well take that asshole .

I just landed a punch at his face and was continuously landing punches on his face.

"Why the fuck you are punching me" he said while defending himself from my punches.

I just landed another punch and said

"That's for dating my sister you motherfucker" I shouted

I am not going to let him live another day.


What do you think Is going to happen after this chapter will their relationship become more strong or they will break.

Thank you Cupcakes

Question time: Who is your favorite character of this book?
- It's mine , so I like all characters (lol )

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