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As you all know that I have a very handsome Boyfriend who doesn't like to listen to me that's why he is not telling me where are we going for past half an hour.

"Xavier for the last time I am asking where are we going" I asked him for the nth time.

"And I am telling you for the nth time I am not going to tell you." He said with his stupid signature smirk.

I just slumped back in my seat and pouted.

"Don't pout Ella ,or I will not be able to control myself " he said And with that statement my stupid blood rushed up to my face and I was flushed .

He just chuckled at my reaction and again started to concentrate on driving.

Suddenly car stopped, as I was a long drive I dropped my eyes closed so when car suddenly stopped I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful cottage house ever.

That cottage house was so beautiful that even Cinderella and Snow white will be jealous of the cottage in front of them . It looked like it straight came from a fairy tale.

It wasa semi-sized cottage neither too big nor too small , just of perfect size. It was decorated with fairy lights, lantern and had a very beautiful garden around it.

I was so mesmerized with the beauty of that cottage I didn't noticed Xavier came around and was giving me his hand for me to come out of the car.

I took his hand and came out of the car.

"Did you like it?" He asked me

"Like it I loved it" I said

"I bought it for you." he confessed

"You didn't have to." I said while getting overwhelmed .

"I had to." he said

"Why?" I asked. Tears were already gathered up in my eyes. And I swear his sweetness was just about to make me cry.

"I love you" he confessed and that bring tears spill out of my eyes.

This was the guy I was waiting for whole in my life, the one I was waiting for , my prince charming, my knight in shining armour, and at that exact moment I realised how much I loved him. I was so blinded by my stupid assumptions about not being sure but I was in love with him since forever. And I need to tell him . He needs to know it.

I was about to confess it when he dragged me to the cottage, it was beautiful from inside too. It was huge but comfy at the same time. I loved it.

The arrangements he did inside the cottage will be somethingthat I would never forget in my entire life. He set up a table how I like. It was so beautiful that it will literally make someone cry.

He gave me his hand to lead me towards the table.

"My girl favourite Italian food." he said while he pulled out the chair for me.

Everything was according to my taste. If this guy doesn't love me then nobody does. He was perfect in everything.

We talked and ate our dinner. Suddenly he became very serious . Like he was to confess to me about something. Something he wanted to talk about from long time as he was looking unsure.

"Ella, I know you don't love me but it's just that if you are thinking that I am playing with you so just please think that I am not playing with you. How much I love you i don't think i ever loved anybody that much?. I literally can't live without you. I know you don't love me but i will make sure you fall in love with me because i am so much in with you . I love you so much." his confession was so pure and so good but his one line made me realize my 1% shit. And my shit loose.

"Who the hell told you I don't love you huh? You are the only person I love blindly, only person who care for me apart from my family without wanting anything in return . How much you made me feel special in past few days I don't think anybody really did. And if you think think that I don't love you well then keep in your mind that Xavier I love you to moon and back and even world can't stop me from loving you. You are my one true love. I know you are very much annoying but I am the only one who can bear your stubbornass. And if you say once more that I don't love you I'll kiss your ass goodbye." I confessed partially shouting at him.

"Y-you love m-me?" he stuttered for the first time.

And that's when I realised I just told him that I love him.

I just blushed and nodded.

He lifted Me up my seat and swirled me around .

"I can't believe the person I love the most also love me back" he said twirling me around .

He slowly put me down while I just giggled at him .

After that suddenly he pressed his lips on mine and I realised he was kissing me. This kiss held so many emotions it was not only physical but emotional . That kiss held so many emotions. He was passionately kissing me and I was kissing the man I love the most back.

This Day can't get any better. I love this man so much.


Probably the most shortest chapter till now it's just that schools are reopening and there are lot of thing going in my life. But i just want my amazing readers to be updated so I updated a chapter for you.

Thank you cupcakes

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-Yours Forever by insouciancy
(It's a must read book)

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