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I was getting ready for meeting Evan. It's been 3 days for now since that incident where Evan beaten the shit out of Me and since three days I was ignoring Ella.

Yes I was ignoring ella because this time I wanted to make it right. I wanted to hold her hand with all rights. I know I am making her sad . From past three days after she went home , she kept calling me and me being a jerk is not picking up her calls not even replying to her messages.

People may things it's easy for me but it's the most difficult I ever did in my whole life. This three days are the most hardest three day ever of my existence.

But , nevertheless i wanted to make it right before I made mine and ella's relationship official. I convinced Evan to come by giving him sake of ella. I asked him that if he love ella please come to our old football ground where we used to practice when we're best of Friends.

Somehow I knew he would come because I importantly mentioned that I will tell him the truth and I know in little some corner of his heart he also wants to know the truth.

So now we both are meeting in our old football club and now I am gonna tell him what is the truth of that night.

I hoped in inside my car and started to drive . When I reached there I already saw Evan car parked there . I smiled . He never changed always on time.

When I entered I was welcomed with a back facing Evan. Before I called him out he turned and shouted at me

"Firstly you are late as usual. And secondly what the fuck is the matter that you called me here so late " He shouted on me and said .

"I called you here to tell you the truth " I said

"Previously I wanted to know about truth , but after seeing your bull shit face I don't want to know about it because I know you will say lie upon lie to cover the whole truth ." he said

He said And I was walking away bit this is my last chance of making everything right.

"I was not the one who made coach let you out of the team." I said shouting a little

"What?" He shouted at me . Shock was evident in his voice.

I nodded and started the story of what really happened that day.

3 years back

I was in front of the mirror fixing my hair when I got a call from my best friend Xavier. He is my best friend and I trust him the most and I know he will never hurt me.

I called him Babe because that is the name I use to tease him with .
So the call was ringing with Babe name on top of it. I laugh every time he calls and he doesn't like this name too.

I picked up the call and welcomed with a loud voice of Xavier.

"I am calling you for past 15 minutes and you are not picking up my call . How the hell did you got this much guts huh?.. or are you with a girl doing inappropriate things. I swear i will kill you if I will need to solve another girl case of yours i will chop off your...." he said and I cut him of by saying.

"Babe I know you are possessive over me but no I was not with any girl . And please tell me how i got the privilege to receive a call from almighty Xavier Asher Knight" I said on a mocking tone.

"You really make me puke my guts out sometimes. Anyways we all are going to the club today and you are coming with us , I am also getting ready and I'll be there in 10 see you there tata" he said And disconnected the call without giving me a chance to talk .

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