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The girl up in the image section is Emma

Do you guys realise when it's your birthday the next day , the clock is ticking very slow . Like you seriously want time to be run faster, 12'o clock to be stricken in clock and yayyy you celebrate your birthday. Something similar was happening with me , no guys it's not my birthday it's just that I suddenly get to know that the person whom I gave a free bath of coffee was none other than a billionaire son and can do whatever the heck he want.

I have not concentrated in class since I get to know that Xavier is a Knight. I mean oh lord , they are one of the most prestigious family in the world and me well me a simple plain girl just spilled my whole cup of coffee on him , on his shirt which I know would be way more expensive than my living expenses .

He tried to grab my attention so many times but I just ignored him. I don't know why I was ignoring him . He seemed pretty cool about it them why I was overreacting. But deep down I was scared . Scared as hell knowing he is a Knight and can make my life a living hell in a few seconds .

Class was finally over. As the class ended , I packed up my bag and was heading out of the class when my way got blocked my none other than The Xavier Knight .

I was Scared. I am definitely not denying it but I was not gonna show him that I was.

"Excuse me please I've got a class to go to" I said politely .

"Look ella , I know you are scared that I am a Knight and you practically gave me a bath of coffee would end up you in a trouble. But I promise it was fine . It was an accident. So no need to be scared " he said with a polite attitude .

"Scared me pfft.. y-you are n-not any spider I will be scared of ok?" I said trying to look brave , but I also know that I screwed up a big time with my stammering .

"OK then why you stammered twice" he said in a amusing tone with his signature Smirk.

"I-I gotta go. It was nice meeting you Mr. Knight. I am again sorry for spilling coffee on you and I hope we never get in each other's way from now on . Goodbye" I said And I was walking off when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and whispered something in my ear which made my mind gone crazy.

"But I want to cross my path with you every single day of my life, babygirl" he said in my ears.

I just looked at him in shocked and practically ran from there . I ended up in one of a stalls in girls toilet. I calmed my heart down . When finally I was composed I came out , washed my hands and started to make way towards my locker .

There were no sign of Kate and Zoe. Which means they already headed for class . I remembered it's English Lit. And we three are having it together. So I grabbed my English lit. Book and headed towards the direction of the lecture hall.

As I entered the classroom. I saw my two best friends sitting together giving me a confused look . I know why they are giving me those looks because never in my life time I would be late for a class. But today because of certain someone I got late for a class. I just shrugged and went to sit in one of the empty seats. Seat beside me was empty .

I just started to read a story in our book when a girl approached me and asked

"Would you mind , if I sit here" she asked sweetly

I just smiled and replied .

"Not at all . Please have a seat" I said

She just grinned at me and sat in the seat.

"By the way my name is Emma " she said while giving her hand for a handshake

"Nice to meet you. I am Ella" I said while shaking her hand

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