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They say when life gives you lemons, you make a kool-aid. And something similar I was feeling today . During the whole day there was zero percent of my concentration in any of the classes , whole time I was thinking about mine and xavier's date. I still cant believe I, Ella Clark is going on a date with the most popular guy of this school, who is soon going to be the CEO of the most successful company in USA and last but the bomb , He is my brothers Rival. I should pat my back for making this decision.

But how hard I Try to have some feelings for Xavier, I have it. Nobody can do anything what you feel towards a person Right?. I feel Safe, secure, beautiful and protected with him. He makes me feel loved. Well that's a foreign feeling for me so I don't know what is love? But it's just that what I read it in books when you feel yourself with that person it's love. And that's what exactly i was feeling for Xavier.

I really wanted to go on a date with Xavier and now I am finally going but in deep down in my heart I am afraid of the consequences our where-to-headed relationship will bring and mostly how my brother will react.

I have always done what my brother choosed for me. I trusted him blindly and his commands were my final words. But once in my 19 years of existence I wanted to follow what my heart says and Yes I am going to follow what my heart say without thinking about any consequences that It will bring.

I got up from my bed as i returned 2 hours ago. It's 5:40 pm now which mean maximum 2 hours to get ready. I got up from the bed to select a dress and get ready . After a whole lot of half an hour I selected a Biege colour short dress. It was beautiful and I kept it to Wear in a special occasion, well I think the special occasion came.

 It was beautiful and I kept it to Wear in a special occasion, well I think the special occasion came

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I wore it , combed my hair into beautiful loose curls and did a nude make-up. By the time I was ready it was 07:50. Ok now I was getting nervous. Oh my God, where would he be taking me, what we will do Oh god.

At strike of clock at 8, my doorbell rang . Thankfully my mom and dad have gone to a party and would not return until tommorow so i was home alone.

I made my way towards the door and here he was standing in all his glory in a black suit. Looking at me with a weird emotion in his eyes. He checked me from up and down and I took this chance to check him too. Jesus, He is hot!!!

"You look beautiful love" he said with a beautiful smile

"You don't look so bad of yourself" I said with a shy expression

He just laughed at my expression and tilted my chin up

"I brought something for you" he said And walked towards his car.

I just stood in my position, what did he brought for me. I hope it's not something So expensive I couldn't accept. I hope it's just a flower or something.

He returned and stood behind my back suddenly he took all my hair from my back and put it on my left shoulder,I felt his hot breath fanning on my neck . In spur of a moment he clasped a beautiful pendant in my neck. When I look at it ,from the first view I understood it would be expensive.

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