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Emily's POV

What the hell? Did that just really happen to me? Why my life can't be a bit normal? 

The cold wind made goosebumps on my skin while I tried to relive everything that just took place. Was I really going to work for one of the bastard millionaires of Chicago? Did I even have a choice? Another cold wave covered my limp body and I made my way downstairs trying to conduct a plan on what to do next.

Moving to elevators I pushed the button and waited. And waited... And waited... The damn fucker switched off the elevators! Can a woman take a break already? Realizing I had to stroll endless steps down I sucked up and began my journey.

I looked down at my sore legs and flinched. I really needed a hot bubble bath and those little fish that eat your skin from your feet. If I could get a whole tank of that fish could they eat that dumbass alive? Or maybe cutting his head off would be more effective?

When I stepped to the curb the black SUV with black windows opened and a very neat middle-aged man in a black suit moved forward to me.

"Miss Green, I will get you home," he said opening the doors for me.

"Thanks, grandpa" I rolled my eyes and hopped inside. My heels and clutch were already waiting for me inside. At least I won't need to drag my body through all city doing the walk of shame. I laid down on the back seats and sighed. Could it be worse? I don't think so.

I opened the doors quietly and was shocked at the view. All apartment was like after a hurricane. Clothes were all over the floor. Olly's stuff covered every inch of the floor.

"What the hell hon? Is somebody after you?" I teased him.

He froze for a minute and then ran to me hugging me so tightly I almost fainted.

"Why in the hell haven't you picked up your phone? I was worrying sick! I have so much to do and to say, you have no idea! But I must pack and I can't find my sportswear and I still need to run for some new bedsheets" his mouth was full of words but I couldn't make sense out of them.

"Okay, stop that! Take a deep breath and tell me what's going on right now Olly!" I took him by his shoulders and tried to calm him down.

"Okay... Remember Brian? The one that broke my heart into million pieces moving to California? He came back...For me... He is taking me with him and we are getting married in three months." he looked down playing with his fingers.

So, apparently, it can be worse.

"I paid for the rest of the month. I know it's only one week left but hey, you're moving soon so I hope there won't be any problems. I can't express how happy and scared I am feeling right now hun. I know that it all looks a little sudden but I love him and I can't miss a chance to be finally happy" Olly gave me a last big hug standing near the door. 

I knew if I tell him all that happened to me he won't go so I just smiled and let him be happy. If I am miserable it doesn't mean that everyone should. 

"I will call you when I settle in sweets. And I hope my maid of honor will be happy to share the happiest day of my life", he kissed me gave me the keys and left.

Olly was the only person that knew all about me. He was the one who always stood by my side and made me move towards when I was constantly giving up. How could I tell him not to leave me? He deserved to be happy. I fell on my butt hugging my knees, tears ran down my cheeks. All alone. Again. I guess there is no way life will be gracious but I guess this will never happen to me.

 And then reality hit me. I lost all my money! I paid a deposit for the apartment and now I have no money to close the rest of the sum. And in a week I have nowhere to go. Monday will be one hell of a day.

"Highrises Realty, how can I help you?"

"Good morning. This is Emily Green, I am calling you about the deal on the apartment..." I shifted on my couch, my hands trembling. I didn't know how to explain my situation, not that anybody cares. But I had to try to do something. I couldn't afford to mess this up or otherwise, I would end up homeless again.

"Ahh, Miss Green! Good morning. I am just finishing all the documents. The remodel of your apartment will start tomorrow I am just finishing the last preparations." she said enthusiastically making my heart skip a beat.

"Actually, I am calling because I faced unexpected issues. Is there a possibility to prolong the last payment? Or maybe I can apply for a loan?" my voice was almost a whisper with the last sentence. I knew that there is no chance they do that but desperate times...

"Umm...Miss Green your deposit for the apartment is fully paid so is the remodeling. It is all taken care of by Mr. Reed. He told me that he will let you know all the details when you arrive to work today. I am sorry I have another client. Mr. Reed will pass you your documents soon. Have a great day." long beep on the other side made me freeze.

"Oh come on! You can't be serious? How am I supposed to believe in you if you always make things worse for me??" I looked up praying to the ceiling. Defeated. That is the only feeling lingering through me. I couldn't understand how to act further. All I knew was that I had to take my apartment back at any cost. And if it means playing nice with mister hot-dumbass so be it. It was almost 8 and I haven't even take a shower. I sucked up and made my way to the bedroom. Today starts my new piece of hell.

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