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Unknown POV

I sat in a chair with my elbows resting on each side looking at the trembling man opposite me.

"Please sir, I know I should have money by now but you have to give me one more week," the fat motherfucker cried while shaking like a leaf.

"You know I don't make exceptions Willis. You borrow from me, you pay your debt when I tell you. If you can't do it, I take all you have." I say leaning to the table with a stern look.

"But you have to understand, I lost my last contract. Please sir" ha started to whine loudly. It made me sick.

I hate crying men. With the kind of job, I did I got to see that shit a lot. How can people be so stupid as to borrow money from me in the first place? Everybody in this town knew who I was and everybody knew that I don't agree with delays. I built my first small company with my own two hands giving small loans at first and now I have a big organization that includes two real-estate companies and a couple of nightclubs. And my little illegal business, of course. I am rough and brutal and I never let anyone doubt my authority.

I nodded to Tony, my right-hand man and he hit Willis in the face with all his might. The stupid fatso fell from his chair covering his bloody nose and screaming like a bitch.

"You have two more days Willis. Tony over there will help you to make it clear to you that it's your last chance." I stood up and turned on my heels to the exit hearing crying and beating sounds from behind. Tony really knew his job.

I sat in a car waiting for my best friend to come down so that we can finish our day and head straight to the club. With all the job lately, I haven't had much time for myself and I really needed to relax. I couldn't remember when I got laid last time. My mind shifted back to the bar where I had that little feisty thing pinned to the wall a couple of days ago. Her intoxicating smell was still wandering in the depths of my mind. I didn't have to close my eyes to remember those perky plump ass cheeks and long dark hair that was tangled in my hand so strongly. God, I really needed to fuck someone before I would explode.

My phone started to ring bringing me back to reality. I looked at the ID and understood that it's those newbies again. I hated when we had new stuff and they couldn't deal with little troubles calling me every chance they've got. 

"You have five minutes and only to tell me that you got my money from Aaron Westley." I spat angrily and prayed to God to give me strength.

"No boss, he got away. But we captured his girlfriend and she totally knows where he or your money is" one of the idiots said and I could feel my blood start boiling.

"You did what??!" I beastly growled.

"Well, he ran away and we had to do something. So she is now in the basement at the club. We can deal with her but maybe you wanted to end her by yourself?"

And I thought that it can't be worse.

"For fucks sake, do you hear yourself? End her? What are we? Fucking Carloenes?" I felt like I'm gonna explode from anger. Of course, we had different situations considering what we did and all my men always carried guns but that didn't mean that we barge wherever we want and take innocent people as hostages.

"Well...We just...We just thought..." he mumbled and I could literally see how I skin him using my bare hands.

"Just shut the fuck up! We don't murder people! We don't kidnap women! And now because of you morons I have to deal with some stupid slut! Do you have any idea what she will do now after what she'd witnessed?" and of course all I could hear is silence from the other side of the phone. "Just take her to my private room and close her there. I will be there in 20 minutes and if that woman has the slightest scratch on her I will cut off your hands and let you bleed till death!"

I dropped the phone and got out of the car. I had to breathe. I leaned my hands on the car and tried to think of a plan on how to deal with the freaking woman. I couldn't register the fact that the two imbeciles kidnapped a woman and brought her to my club. What were they thinking of? How they even ended working for me in the first place?

I saw Tony coming out of the building and moving the car. His knuckles are covered with blood and a huge smile was spread over his lips. He loved punishments. Being a 6'4 muscled man he knew no one can compete with him. His low baritone itself could make you crap in your pants. And his almost black eyes and square jaw finished his overwhelming predator look, the one that creeped you out to your bones but somehow attracted all the women surrounding him (not that I can't beat him in both ways). That bastard worked for me from the very beginning. He is my best friend and we actually share a lot of memories together. I know that I can always rely on him.

I inhaled some more oxygen and got in the car buckling my belt and starting the engine. Tony slid in the passenger's seat and immediately noticed that storm in my eyes within a second.

"Hey dude, what's the matter?" he asked looking worried already.

"You tell me! You tell me where in the world have you found those two pieces of dead meat? Those fuckers kidnapped Westley's woman!" I shot at him and I could see him tense his jaw.

"Jesus Christ! I will murder them with my bare hands!" the storm in his eyes was inevitable.

"Not until we figure out what to do with the unexpected guest in my club. We're going there immediately and those two good-for-nothings better get ready to spend the rest of their lives in Mexico making piñatas! I don't need any more fucking troubles like I had not enough till now." I tightened my grip on the wheel till my knuckles got white.

We entered the club and went straight to the VIP section on the second floor. I made a couple of private rooms there so my people or partners can get more comfortable. One of the rooms was also my office. I passed the bodyguards nodding my head at them and entered the hall where I saw two morons standing with pale faces.

"I will deal with you fuckers later. Wait here and pray for your lives!" I hissed while passing them and entering the room, Tony moving inside after me.

"I heard that she is old enough to babysit your children, hope she hasn't had a stroke after kidnapping" Tony whispered in my ear.

I rolled my eyes and tried to find a switch. Those idiots didn't bother to switch the light for poor granny. But the second the room lit up I understood that this all is more fucked up than I thought.

A young woman was lying on the couch looking like a little ball with her knees pulled up to her chin. Long dark hair falling from her head hiding her face. As I made two steps towards her my heart stopped beating. It couldn't be true. 

This can't be her! No freakin' way!

I moved silently closer to her and squatted right near her small beautiful face. The trail from tears dried in her face as she peacefully snored and slightly moved her lips in a deep sleep. The most pleasurable thing I've ever seen.


Hi guys! Annnndd they meet again. I really hope you enjoy reading this! I try hard to make it interesting and entertaining. I would really appreciate any feedback.


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