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Emily's POV

I opened my eyes and saw that someone wrapped me in the blanket. I couldn't move. I always felt vulnerable after I woke up. It had to do something with my past I guess. Every time I woke up in the shelter was from laughing at me. I was abused every day of my longing childhood. You would think that children without families would be sweet carrying and friendly but not at the place where I lived.

I carefully sat up and looked around me. I big wooden burgundy table sat in the center of the room with some papers on them. I took a shot and went to explore it. There must be something that can at least tell me who the fuck kidnapped me. I saw the picture of some girl in the frame near the lamp. She was about twelve and she had bright blue eyes and long blonde hair. Whoever she was her father was a real prick. I opened all the drawers just to find some documents that revealed only one name, Daniel Reed. Okay, that's something to start with. Some law contracts, some estate documents, not so much use for me. I also found some handcuffs with a key and blindfolds which made shimmers run down my spine.

 I hope this guy is just a perv, not a god damn killer.

Anyway, there was no way I would give up on those two pigs so easily. So I took a bottle of whiskey from the bar opposite the table. I made a couple of gulps to help my courage and made my way to pick up the handcuffs. Then I sat near the door with an almost empty bottle of fiery alcohol and leaned my back to the wall.

After what seemed to be like fifteen minutes I heard voices coming closer to the room. I stood up and switched the lights off. I took the bottle in both my hands in a tight grip like my life was depending on it and prepared myself for a battle.

I heard a lock in the door click and someone took a few steps into the room. I sucked up all the air possible and with all my force hit the man on his head. I closed my eyes for a second and heard a loud sound of a body dropping to the ground. I opened my eyes and was happy to see that the guy fell with his head towards the floor which gave me a good opportunity to fix the handcuffs around his arms on his back. I knew that I need to move quickly so after that a bolted to the hallway. I turned to look to my left to only see a very long corridor, the exit sign above the door at the end of it made me completely satisfied. But that was before I looked right and saw a man standing there with an amused smile on his face. Wow! It was some kind of a God or was I just suffering from Stockholm syndrome? I looked him in the eyes and almost fainted from the intensity of his stare.

"You know you can't run away from here, little dove. My men are occupying all downstairs and they would love to shoot some fowl." He said, his voice was so husky and dominant I almost forgot why was I standing here.

"Well, I guess then you would like a little hide and seek game, fucker!" I spat at him and started to run for my dear life to the exit door.

I knew that he wasn't kidding about all the men downstairs so there was only one way out. The roof.

I ran and ran up the stupid long stairs for like forever now. Damn cigarettes! I really should have considered quitting. 

As I reached the roof I was shocked at how high the building was. I recognized the building right away. It was the highest building in town and it had 40 stories. It all belonged to one owner and now I knew who it was. Damn Daniel Reed.

I tried to calm my beating heart and to steady my breath when I heard noises behind me. How in the world did they get here so quickly?

The handsome god-man entered the roof first, two minions right after him.

"You know, I could have just shown you the way to the elevators if you wanted to look at the view so badly", he said moving closer to me. His mischievous smile was playing wonders to my mind. So damn handsome.

I felt my heart skip a beat as I stepped back until I felt the railing behind my back. I took my chance to just absorb the situation and concentrating on the man that was moving painfully slowly to me, his hands shoved in the pockets of a perfectly ironed black suit. He was wearing a dangerous smile on his perfectly shaped plump lips. His dark green almond-shaped eyes were slightly covered with thick black eyelashes. You could see the tattoos starting under his harsh jawlines and hiding in the crook of the collar of his white crispy shirt. Every step he took made his hair move into the wind making light waves. The man was tall like a ladder, probably 6'6. I almost felt all the air leaving my lungs when he approached and stood inches from my face. Those beautifully menacing eyes pierced into my soul as if he knew everything about me.

"I assume you better speak little dove or I'm afraid I will have to let you go," he said looking behind my back. 

Should I fantasize about my capturer? Was it normal?

I guess not.

I turned my head and acknowledged that there's only wind behind my back and I have not so many options for what to do. But I really didn't know what they wanted from me and I wasn't going to show them that I almost pissed my pants from terror. Back in the office, those two bodyguards were asking me about the money I assume Aaron borrowed or stole from the Daniel guy and there was no way in hell I could reassure them I have no fucking clue about it. I did have a date with him and it looked like we're together so one way or another I was screwed.

I had not so many options, you know.

So, I just stood at the edge of the rooftop with a huge grin on my face. The man stood so close to me that I could tell what color was the fire in his eyes. Those emerald eyes with dark edges. In a moment like this, you could actually believe that aliens walk among us because there was no damn way that a regular man could have those eyes.

"Now baby girl, you better tell me where your boyfriend hides his money or prepare to see your ancestors in a couple of minutes", he said with a slight smile.

Well, that was quite a disappointment to leave this world without knowing if there would be a "Friends" movie or not.

"He is not my boyfriend and a pussy like him could never stand my attitude for one fucking day. So long dickhead!" I spat at him and took a step back allowing the wind and gravity to do their way on me.

I closed my eyes and felt how my back started to drag me down and I let the force embrace me. Who knew that this will be only the beginning...

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