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Emily's POV

I told Aaron to pick me up at 7 pm near Groveland park. I knew he reserved a table at one of the fancies restaurants in town and we would have to drive there for 20 or so minutes due to traffic. I was counting on that because I needed some time to warm him up before dinner.

It was kind of windy and I had my jacket on but I could totally feel the breeze from the lake on my skin. It was getting darker every minute. Autumn was silently sneaking from the corner taking warm nights and long days making them into a rainy grey Chicago.

I was drifted out of my thoughts when a black SUV stopped right near my feet. The black window was opened and I saw a sleazy smile and lustful eyes piercing me from tip to my toe. Well, he might be not so bad-looking but his attitude definitely was. I smiled shyly and opened the door sliding in the car seat and putting my clutch on my lap so that my recording device could do its magic. Bastard didn't even bother to open the door for me, gentlemen my ass. I just hoped I wouldn't have to pay my half for the dinner.

"So, I get to finally meet the sexiest of all men" I purred after making myself comfortable and buckling up.

"Baby, there's no doubt you won't ever regret meeting me and I have plans to prove it to you tonight," he told me and put his right hand on my thigh. He didn't waste any time, did he?

"Honey, you will have to feed me and entertain me before I can show you my way with you" I played along feeling that he is already playing on my nerve.

"Oh, I will totally feed that little mouth of yours, be sure" he smirked and started the engine.

All the way to the restaurant I made moves on him. I planted a hand on his leg making circles higher on his thigh. I laughed at his vulgar jokes and licked my bottom lip every time when he turned to look at me. I was good at seducing. This was actually my natural talent. I could easily piss someone off in mere seconds same as I could make someone feel hot like hell.

Throughout the dinner a tried to pursue him to tell me if he was involved in any relationship in order to record his every word. And of course, not once he mentioned his Scrooge-mac-duck-granny.

"So should we order some dessert or would you like to taste something better in a more private setting?" he said as he roughly cupped my leg under the table. I jumped a little from the unexpected move but put my smile on and told him that I wanted to have something before we end our dinner. I was trying to make it as long as possible for him to wait in anticipation of what will wait for him next.

I started to go through a long list of desserts when my peripheral sight saw that Aaron suddenly looked pale and shifted on his seat. Two bulky guys entered the restaurant and took a table on my back. I saw Aaron's hands started to shake slightly as he took his glass of wine and drank it in one big gulp. I smelled something fishy but I didn't show it out on my face.

"Honey you look pale. Is everything okay? Have I made you wait for too long? Do you want to go now?" I had to make some move or I was going to lose him. And this is definitely not an option for me.

"Sure, but let me just use the restroom and I will show you a way to heaven," he told me with a trembling voice and stood up so fast that he probably started seeing dots.

I took my powder with a mirror from my clutch and made a look straight at the two men sitting on my back. They looked like the ones that do a dirty job for big guys. I closed my mirror and looked in the direction of the restrooms and suddenly it hit me! That motherfucker ran from the back entrance down the hall! That stupid bastard!

I stood from my chair and started going at a quick pace straight to the hall. I totally sensed that the two men were right on my heels. I quickened my steps and almost ran when I reached the hall and saw the exit doors. But in a second I felt a light stung on my neck and I stumbled on my feet almost falling down on the floor.

"Miss, you should be more careful let me help you outside" I heard voices somewhere in the distance as my vision started to blur. I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist but my head was too hard to look up at who that was. Everything was becoming darker each second and the voices faded in my head. 

"Let's take her and see what we can manage to do with it," was the last I've heard before everything went blank.

Auch! Why was my whole body aching? I couldn't open up my eyes, they were too heavy. Why did my room smell like fungus and why was it so cold here? I really should clean it sometime soon. I tried to move but I felt like something stopped my hands. Slowly I opened my eyes and tried to adjust to the bright light that was beaming from the center of the room. And that's when it came to me. I am not home! Where the fuck was I? Why was I tied to a chair? What the hell happened at the restaurant? I immediately started to shift and move on my seat trying the tightness of ropes on my hands. But the more I moved the more it stung. Fuck! Someone knew what they were doing. I stopped and tried to focus on what happened. I was sitting in the restaurant, Aaron saw some guys and ran away. After trying to catch up on him I was drugged and kidnaped. Yes. Correct. Wait, what? I was kidnaped? What kind of sick joke was this? Were we living in 60-s? 

Okay. Don't panic. No one's going to hurt you. It's probably a misunderstanding.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when a squeaky metal door opened and the same two men entered the room. They both looked like their shirts were trying to escape their chest. Seriously though, why not buy a normal size shirt so you can breathe without being afraid to end up with a naked chest? Or is the boy's section chipper? In spite of their fearful bodies, their faces wore the same dump look. Dump and dumper. Yeap, couldn't describe it better.

"We didn't count on taking you instead of that sneaky bastard but I think now he will find us himself if he wants his little sweet ass to be free," one of the dummy's said, and now I had an idea why I was here.

"But not before we can have a little fun with that sweet ass" the other one opened his mouth.

"You better go have fun reading some books, you big potato sack," I said and could see how both of them tensed up. 

But you see, that's my thing. If I start unfortunately I can't stop. That is one of the most important things about me. 

"What? Cat's got your tongue? Or are you that dump that this expression is hard for you to process?" I could see the veins on their foreheads start pumping but I was one unstoppable stubborn woman. "Maybe you don't even understand the word 'process' as it's something your brain does and according to what I am witnessing now there's definitely not a single brain cell in either of your heads" and that was the last sentence leaving my mouth before one of the weasels grabbed some cloth and tucked it in my mouth.

"Well, smartass if you won't communicate with us then you will have to meet a man that will squeeze the answers from your limp body along with that bratty tongue of yours," they both laughed and left me alone.

What in a world have I got myself into now?

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