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Emily's POV

Standing in the kitchen I was trying to find a clean bowl for my cereal. Can you take it as a clean one if you were eating from it only once? I take that as a yes and pour my milk adding a big slight of Honey Puffs in it.

"Ems! How many times have I told you to put your dirty clothes in a basket?" Olly shouts from the bathroom as I take a huge spoon of my cereal in my mouth. Living with him is like a living hell for me. He is a great friend but his instant want of an ideal world is killing me almost every day. He is a very neat guy, all his life is in straight columns and lines with an equal distance one from another. He always looks fresh and clean, every line on his many suits is ironed to perfection. He has dark curly hair that is combed to the back making waves. His rich dark skin matches his chocolate eyes. Adding big puffy lips makes it a combination of every woman's dream. Well, except for the fact that the guy is gay like a blue sky on a sunny day.

I quietly stuff my belly up and tiptoe to my bedroom. Looking at piles of clothes lying everywhere I pick up the closest to clean top and a pair of skinny jeans and finish my look with my leather jacket and make my way out of here before Olly realizes that there is no milk left for his coffee.

Making my way through the street I stop to buy some coffee from Jack's coffee shop. He always puts some extra cream and cinnamon in it. I gave him a wink and ran off before I could hear another invitation to his party or on a date. 

I am not a dating kind of woman. I prefer to end up my day in a bar with a glass of whiskey in my hand than in bed with a stranger. Although I do meet a lot of men due to my work. Aghh! I really hope this can be my last case. Working as a cheater catcher doesn't really boost your ego. But the realization that you're completely alone in this world makes you do funny things.

I open the double glass doors and invite myself into the building. A monster-man towers over me blocking my way with his tremendous chest.  

"Who are you to, miss?" 

It takes all my strength to not laugh from his thin voice. What is it about guys like this? Is there some kind of college where men are taught how to look like a pile of rocks and how to sound like someone has just squished their balls in a tight grip? I gulp my laughter and answer him.

 " I am here for Mrs. Willington. She should be waiting for me. I am Emily Green."

 After a few seconds, a mini Hulk steps away from me and shows me the way to the elevator mentioning that I have to push the penthouse button. Thank God he doesn't enter the elevator with me or I would have definitely asked him where he'd lost his testosterone patch or something. 

I hate elevators. Since I was a kid I was beaten up every day. I have been starved, I have lived under the bridge a couple of times and still, elevators make my stomach swirl and my mind play wicked games with me.

Standing by the door a heavy breath leaves my lungs. This is it. The final case and I will be free. I will buy my own home and live happily ever after without annoying roommates. Not that Olly couldn't afford to live on his own. 

My own apartment. In a calm secure neighborhood. Alone. All by myself. Because this is how it always was.


Hi guys! Please leave some feedback. This is my first story and I would really appreciate any good or bad words (=

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