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Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband Chapter 2: Donate 100 million first
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Yes, Cheng Youran was distraught, even sadder than a terminal illness.

She followed the maid upstairs like walking corpses, her heart was sore that she couldn't breathe, what Lu Zixiao tore was not a document, but 1.5 billion!

What is the concept of 1.5 billion? !

If you win the 5 million lottery every day, you still have to win a year. You can buy all the games on Steam, you can go to the idol’s concert every time, and you can spend money without working every day.

And all this is gone.

【warn! Your wife’s mood value drops to 1]

When his life was dying, Lu Zixiao had no time to be shocked. He strode forward and took Cheng Youran's hand. He asked with a dry throat: "Cheng Youran, what do you want most now, I will give it to you!"

"Anything is fine."

He added another sentence.

The maid on the side was stunned. Who would have thought that one day Mr. Lu would say such sweet words to his wife. She looked at Cheng Youran enviously, and the wife was finally out of her way.

Cheng Youran's hand was a little painful when Lu Zixiao grasped it. She wanted to withdraw her hand... did not shrink, as if he was not holding a hand, but his life.

Cheng Youran met his scorching gaze, and the fox questioned: "Really everything is fine?"

Lu Zixiao nodded.

"I want a divorce!"

Cheng Youran blurted out.

Lu Zixiao's face instantly turned pale: "Except for this."

"I, I want to act."

When Cheng Youran said it, she was stunned. What she wants most is not money, not luxury goods, but acting?

Before she wore it, she had always wanted to be an actor, but her parents were both university professors, and she was forced to give up if they did not agree to apply for the film school.

It turned out to be so regretful unknowingly.

As soon as the voice fell, she regretted it, and Lu Zixiao would definitely not agree. The Lu family is a wealthy family, and she has never heard of an actress who married into a wealthy family who has come out to act.

Oh, except Gu Yao.

The largest entertainment company in China is run by the Li family, and she can get the resources that ordinary people dream of without any effort.

"Gao Qiao, arrange an exclusive comeback interview immediately!" Lu Zixiao said without hesitation.

Cheng Youran: …so agreed? !

Cheng Youran's eyes suddenly became shiny, and the amber pupils were as bright as an oil painting.

[Your wife's mood value has returned to 60! 】

Lu Zixiao breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Cheng Youran's hand. Before he turned around, he seemed to ask casually: "You, really want to divorce me?"

This is a proposition!

Cheng Youran shook his head quickly, his tone sounded extremely sincere: "No, no, I don't want to."

She touched her own face. It was not that she was passionate about herself. Without Lu's backing her face, she would only end up in the entertainment industry until she was eaten in her stomach without leaving any bones.

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