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Home » Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband PTHBRH » Chapter 32: Casting
Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband Chapter 32: Casting
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Xiongyu got up from the chair with a "cock" and knocked on the opposite computer, but the other party didn't respond.

She had to walk to the opposite side. The boy wore thick glasses and slapped one hand on the keyboard, while the other hand held a can of Coke.


Xiongyu shouted aloud, but the boy still didn't hear it. She stepped forward and took off the boy's earphones.


Xiong Chen stroked his ear blankly, and the place where the earphones were originally placed was empty.

Xiong Yu shook Xiong Chen's shoulders and couldn't help but speak with excitement: "Cousin, maybe there will be a gold master dad in the studio!"

Hearing her words, Xiong Chen yawned and glanced at her amusedly: "How easy is Golden Master Dad to find."

If the studio wants to develop a new game, funding has become a big problem. It's not that no one has come to him and said that he wants to buy the studio, but he can't see the love for games in those people.

He is not a complete idealist. The studio needs to make money to support himself, but if there is only money left in the game, it would be really sad.


Xiong Yu handed him the phone, and Xiong Chen took the phone indifferently. After he saw the content of the chat, his body gradually straightened, and he was a little nervous typing text in the chat box.

[Little Fish] Big Brother, we do not accept game customization

Ding Dong—

Cheng Youran's phone rang, she swiped the screen and looked at the rejection message sent by the customer service and was slightly disappointed.

In the filming of the crew, mobile games are the most suitable to pass the time. To be precise, it is a stand-alone game, but she flipped through the latest new games, and none of them wanted to play.

She was about to put down the phone, when suddenly, the customer service sent her another message.

[Xiaoyu] But our studio can sell it to you!

Cheng Youran rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not mistaken. Is there anything happier than that? He bought his favorite studio and developed his favorite game.

Buy, buy, buy!

Must buy!

After she settled the bill, she immediately called Fang Liuyun. A busy tone came from the phone, and she couldn't help taking a few deep breaths.

This is the first time that she has spent such a large amount of money. Before, she was too nervous to charge one hundred thousand for a game. This time she had to spend several million.

It took a while before the call was made.

Cheng Youran changed her hand to hold the phone, and walked to the car side by side with Xiao Su: "Sister Fang, I want to buy something."


There was a low-pitched male voice on the phone, obviously not Fang Liuyun's voice, but it sounded like Lu Zixiao.

The previous 缱绻 picture finally disappeared from his mind. Hearing Lu Zixiao's voice again, Cheng Youran's scalp became numb, and his steps stopped.

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