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Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband Chapter 19: Embrace
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"Why is it raining?"

Cheng Youran got out of the car, Fang Liuyun took the contract and walked towards Meng, who was surrounded by the crowd. Another assistant, Xiao Su, opened the umbrella for her.

The set was set in an abandoned foreigner street, and the seal was pulled up around the set, and fans were waiting outside the seal in raincoats.

Most of them are Yan Junze's fans. They called her name crazily with a support card. To her surprise, she also has fans.

Although there are only four or five, their bodies are soaked by rain, with their hair hanging down on their foreheads, but they are carefully guarding her cheer cards and photos.

"Are there any markers?"

Cheng Youran asked Xiang Xiaosu.


Xiao Su hurriedly replied, taking out the black marker from the backpack, Cheng Youran took the pen and walked to her fans.

A few young students blushed with excitement when they saw Cheng Youran coming, calling her name helplessly.

"Can I sign you guys?"

Cheng Youran made a joke.

"Ok, Ok!"

"Can you take a photo?"

"Quickly pinch me, am I dreaming?"

Yan Junze's fans cast their eyes on them, and they inevitably brought their envy. This is the advantage of fewer fans. Yan Junze has too many fans, signing one by one, and I am afraid that his hands will be broken.

"Why don't you have raincoats?"

Cheng Youran took a photo with them and suddenly asked.

"The director said no, but one of our companions went to him just now, and he should be able to get the raincoat."

A young man spoke nervously.

"Which director?"

Cheng Youran turned his head and caught a glimpse of Meng Lang not far away. He was about to hold the start-up ceremony. He should have no time to deal with these trivial matters.

"A rectangular face with old-fashioned glasses." Another fan added.

"I'll go and see, Xiao Su, take them to the car to avoid the rain." Cheng Youran smiled at them, "If you catch a cold, you will be in trouble."

The eyes of a few fans were red. They were all students and couldn't afford the airfare. It took seven hours for the train to arrive at Nanwan, but when they heard Cheng Youran's care, all the exhaustion and grievances seemed to disappear. .

Cheng Youran turned to enter the set after watching them get in the car. Fang Liuyun gave the contract to Meng Lang, and Cheng Youran walked to her: "Do you remember that there was a assistant director with glasses and a rectangular face?"

"Yuan Xiaogang."

After thinking about it, Fang Liuyun called out his name and asked in a low voice: "Why, he embarrassed you?"

Yuan Xiaogang is no one else, it is Yuan Yifei's uncle. Yuan Yifei was arrested in the detention center and released only yesterday. Yuan Xiaogang must have an idea in his heart.

"A fan of mine followed him to take the raincoat. I always think he was not so kind." Cheng Youran scanned the set and didn't see Yuan Xiaogang.

"I'll call him."

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