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Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband Chapter 61: Surrender
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Early in the morning, the police station.

"Mr. Lu, please carefully inform me of the situation at the time of the case. As your defense lawyer, I must know the real situation in order to better defend you."

Ji Huai described formulaically.

He has been involved in criminal investigation proceedings for many years and has met many people, but this is the first time he has seen someone like Lu Zixiao.

Extremely calm and restrained.

Ji Huai almost judged from the bottom of his heart that the man was murdered, but as a defense lawyer, all he had to do was to get Lu Zixiao to be acquitted.

"He should be on purpose."

Lu Zixiao's tone couldn't hear the emotions: "I got to the rooftop to lure me into anger, but failed. So he dragged me madly backwards. The railings of the rooftop were made by him in advance and broke easily."

"With a snap, it's over."

He looked down: "I don't know if he regretted before he died, it should be regretted. The moment he fell, I saw the fear in his eyes."

Ji Huai couldn't help asking: "The deceased had frequent quarrels with you before he was alive and was witnessed by many people."

Lu Zixiao sat on the chair with his legs folded, his eyes narrowed: "I know what you want to ask."

"But this is the truth."

Ji Huai looked at the man with the light on his back, his facial features were sharp and distinct, and his expression was faint and gloomy: "I promised her to be a good person."


An hour later, Ji Huai walked out of the police station. He was about to go to the Lu's house. Unexpectedly, Lu Zixiao's mother and wife arrived at the police station.

It is three o'clock in the morning, but no one is sleepy.

"Go to the car and talk."

Ji Huai nodded slightly.

The three of them got in the car, the driver drove the car to a slightly remote place, got out of the car, only three of them were left in the car.

He habitually looked at the two people in front of him. After reading the information, Jiang Rong, who was out of breath, was obviously not as calm as Cheng Youran, crying is the most useless.

Personally, he was most afraid of meeting such family members, and started crying after a few words, and most of his energy was spent on comforting them.

"Mr. Lu said that Lu Zhengrong committed suicide... But the police found Mr. Lu's fingerprints on Lu Zhengrong's collar and hands. Judging from the arc of the body, there is insufficient evidence of suicide."

Lu Zhengrong was in his early sixties and was still a young and powerful man among Chinese entrepreneurs.

Why did he commit suicide?

--It is a question entrenched in everyone's mind. It is not uncommon for wealthy families to fight for property, but they don't even want their lives. Why do they need money?

The lawyer spoke very tactfully.

Cheng Youran was lost in thought, and her family could not meet. She didn't know if Lu Zixiao had killed anyone.

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