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Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband Chapter 4: Slap (below)
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"Madam, what kind of bag do you like?" The clerk saw at a glance that the two were rich or expensive, and they surrounded them with enthusiasm.

Cheng Youran looked familiar with the back of the woman in front of her, as if it was Su Ruan, she walked up.

"What's up with her?"

President Liu and Su Ruan turned their backs to the door, so they didn't notice the arrival of Lu Zixiao and Cheng Youran, and they talked to themselves.

"She was very fake. She said that she came back because she loved acting. She almost cried. Who didn't know that Lu Zixiao was going to divorce her. The director said that the interview quality was poor and there were no hot spots, and I was annoyed to death. NS."

Su Ruan said sarcastically, she picked a platinum bag, then turned to ask Mr. Liu and smiled sweetly: "Do you think this looks good?"

Turning her head, she saw Cheng Youran and Lu Zixiao. She immediately reacted and her expression turned pale: "Mr. Lu, Sister Youran? What a coincidence."

Didn’t Lu Zixiao and Cheng Youran agree to divorce? How can you still go shopping together?

Cheng Youran whispered blankly: "Yes, it's a coincidence."

If she didn't bump into Su Ruan, she still didn't know that this person was in front of her, and her answer was a joke in the eyes of others.

"Yo, President Lu."

Mr. Liu quickly handed out his business card: "My surname is Liu, who is doing export trade, hello, hello."

Lu Zixiao took the business card, raised his eyebrows, and quickly understood what was going on, he asked with a chuckle: "Mr. Liu, this is your... lover?"

Mr. Liu calmly glanced at Cheng Youran, who had an ugly face, and waved his hand quickly, denying: "Hey, just a friend, I just dropped in on the way and I drove her. Isn't it a coincidence."

Who is Lu Zixiao? He took over his father's logistics company at the age of 16, and he was a must-have. It is said that he took a group of mercenaries to do arms business in East Africa.

He was with Su Ruan for fun, not for trouble.

Su Ruan unwillingly put the platinum bag on the shelf: "Yes, my friend, President Liu will not recognize me as a friend in the future."

But Lu Zixiao ignored Su Ruan at all, instead looked around and asked Xiang Cheng Youran, "What kind of bag do you like?"

This stopped Cheng Youran's question.

Speaking of which, she really didn't have much research on luxury goods. At best, she could clearly distinguish their brands. This time she entered the store just to make a fresh look. She had no choice but to answer: "It's good-looking."

"Madam, our bags are all pretty." The clerk took Cheng Youran's hand affectionately.

"Then it's all necessary." Lu Zixiao said indifferently.

A young clerk pointed to the crocodile bag and kindly reminded: "Sir, this bag costs 800,000 yuan."

"I'm talking about everything."

Lu Zixiao said lightly, never thinking about how much impact this sentence would cause.

"Okay! Sir."

Several shop assistants smiled on their faces, and began to pack eagerly. Their gazes looking at Lu Zixiao were shining. If Cheng Youran were not by their side, they could immediately pounce on Lu Zixiao.

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