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Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband Chapter 36: Mario
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Before going to bed, Cheng Youran looked at the calendar and drew a tick for today. There are still 23 days to finish the filming and return to Donghai City.

The authors have been placed in a row of villas in Donghai City. When she turns around the villa every day, she will be able to receive the newly released manuscripts.

In order to facilitate management, I discussed with Fang Liuyun and decided to set up a cultural company. The name has not been decided yet.

Cheng Youran clicked on an online naming website. Random names are very similar to the 1980s, Huaqiang, Zhongwei, Hengxin...

With an idea, she looked back at Lu Zixiao who was leaning on the bed and reading, and asked, "You said, what name should the company take?"

He must be very experienced. There are more than 1,000 subsidiaries under Lu's name.

Hearing her question, Lu Zixiao took off the thin gold-framed glasses from Yingting's nose and glanced at her: "My subordinates helped me pick these little things."

Cheng Youran: ...Excuse me, Mr. Lu

She turned her head and continued to browse the naming page. Suddenly Lu Zixiao's voice came from behind, which was a little unnatural: "Chengzi Culture."

"Okay, then grapefruit culture."

Grapefruit is bigger than orange, and it sounds more powerful. After Cheng Youran decided on the company name, he sent it to Fang Liuyun.

Lu Zixiao snorted unhappily.

"Cheng Youran, come here."

He glanced at the watch on his wrist, put down the book, and pointed to the position next to him.

Cheng Youran cautiously walked over, and she thought quickly on the way, she should have done nothing to make Lu Zixiao angry. She has been working hard and has not seen the same humanities.

She went to bed and sat next to Lu Zixiao. Suddenly she felt that she was too close. The skin on their arms inadvertently touched each other, as if they were scalded by a sudden rising flame.

Cheng Youran moved aside.

Moved to the far right.

Being dragged back by Lu Zixiao, his eyebrows were sloppy: "Cheng Youran, where else do you want to go."

"I'll check if there is anyone under the bed." Cheng Youran coughed.

Lu Zixiao:...

He turned off the light, and the room was suddenly dark. He took Cheng Youran into his arms, took a comfortable position, and closed his eyes: "Good night."

Being held firmly by the man's hand, the air was filled with Lu Zixiao's aura. Cheng Youran later realized that something was wrong, so she pushed Lu Zixiao...not pushed.


Lu Zixiao raised his eyebrows, put his chin on her head, and said lowly: "I'm leaving tomorrow."

"I wish you a smooth journey?"

Cheng Youran wrapped herself into a zongzi, and with a harder effort, Gu Lulu rolled to the side, and then did not control her intensity.

With a "plop", he rolled under the bed.

"I saw, there is no one under the bed." Cheng Youran struggled to get up from the ground, hissing very inconspicuously.

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