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Home » Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband PTHBRH » Chapter 20: Shocked Weibo
Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband Chapter 20: Shocked Weibo
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Hearing the man's voice, Cheng Youran suddenly wanted to cry a little bit desperately. She drilled into Lu Zixiao's arms, and her tears fell on Lu Zixiao's expensive suit.

Lu Zixiao clearly felt it, his hands were stiff, but he still hugged her tightly, and he patted her on the back like a kid.

"We won't shoot anymore."

—Don't even think about taking pictures.

He comforted softly.

Under everyone's gaze, Lu Zixiao held up Cheng Youran, who was crying in his arms for fear of embarrassment, and walked towards the silver Maybach.

Lu Zixiao kept holding her to the co-pilot before letting go and leaning over to fasten her seat belt.

It happened to meet Shang Cheng Youran's red eyes, eyelashes like flapping butterflies, trembling one by one, which made people want to kiss him.

Lu Zixiao's throat slid up and down, pressed his heart to throb, fastened her seat belt, and mocked: "Cheng Youran, you are still crying when you are too old."

【warn! Your wife's mood value has dropped to 9! 】

Is this unhappy?

Lu Zixiao fastened her seat belt, and said in a low voice: "Small things with no conscience."

Who did he rush to Nanwan when he got off the plane?

Cheng Youran was already crying intently, but she stopped choking when she heard these words, and asked vigilantly: "Who do you say has no conscience?"

Can't tease anymore.

Lu Zixiao raised his eyebrows, touched her head, and said with a sloppy tone: "I said, our family is naturally the most conscientious."

There was a warm touch on the top of his head, and Cheng Youran blushed, from behind his ears to his neck, he was stained with a blush: "Shameless!"

Lu Zixiao gave a chuckle, let go of her, closed the door, and got in the driving position to start the engine: "What do you want to eat? Take you to eat."

It seems that Lu Zixiao has completely forgotten the unpleasantness of the last time. Cheng Youran looked at the man's Ying Ting's profile, suddenly a little ashamed: "I, I have to apologize to you."

Um? Finally remembered.

Lu Zixiao held the steering wheel, and his fingertips turned white because of his force. He had been waiting for Cheng Youran to come and make peace with him this week. Who knew that Cheng Youran was like a okay person, and had a happier life every day.

"Do you know what's wrong?"

He asked in a low voice.

"I see." Cheng Youran said sincerely, "I thought you were stingy and unreasonable."

He is stingy, he makes trouble unreasonably?

Lu Zixiao sneered and was about to stop, letting Cheng Youran know how stingy and unreasonable he was, when Cheng Youran's next words made his lips curl up and gave up this plan.

"Now I know it's my dog ​​who looks down on people, and you are quite generous."

Forget it, what is he bothering about with a little fool who describes himself as "dog eyes look low".

Lu Zixiao gave Cheng Youran a "lovely" look: "What do you want to eat?"

"hot pot!"

Cheng Youran replied immediately.

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