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Home » Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband PTHBRH » Chapter 11: Bai Yueguang
Pampered to Heaven by RIch Husband Chapter 11: Bai Yueguang
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As soon as Lu Zixiao's voice fell, the well-trained driver immediately stepped on the brake.

At this time, Cheng Youran had moved to the corner bit by bit, desiring to reduce her sense of existence, lest she be used as a punching bag by Lu Zixiao.

She glanced at Lu Zixiao secretly, and he dialed a call indifferently, without looking at her at all.

Well, the effect is remarkable.

But before she was happy, the car stopped abruptly, she didn't pay attention, and leaned forward sharply.

When he was about to hit the front seat, Lu Zixiao changed one hand to make a call, and with the other hand he grabbed Cheng Youran by the collar, and Cheng Youran was pulled back.

"Sit down."

The man's voice was low, and he let go of his hand.

Cheng Youran:...

It's not that she didn't sit well, but the car had to stop by herself! But she didn't dare to say anything, she didn't dare to ask QWQ.

By adjusting her sitting posture, she secretly glanced at the documents that Lu Zixiao had opened in her hand, and was stunned at a glance. She seemed to know why Lu Zixiao had changed her person.

Li Zhichen's name is written in bold on the opened page, which is particularly conspicuous on the snow-white paper.

Lu Zixiao's family is simple and simple, and complicated and complicated. His mother is the jewel in the palm of the former richest man.

Jiang Rong fell in love with Lu Zixiao's father, Lu Zhengrong, at first sight. With a huge and staggering fortune, he married to the Lu family, which was already showing signs of decline at the time.

When he was young, Jiang Rong was beautiful and rich. He was known as the first lady in China. It is a pity that Lu Zhengrong never loved her. What he liked was the white moonlight that he was so weak and unable to take care of from beginning to end.

Due to family pressure, he was forced to separate from Bai Yueguang, but the lovers whom Jiang Rong was looking for after the separation were more or less similar to Bai Yueguang.

—The original book said that he was infatuated all his life.

Maybe the original author had some misunderstanding about infatuation.

As for why Lu Zhengrong didn't break off with Bai Yueguang, because he married Jiang Rong on the front foot, Bai Yueguang married into the Li family on the back foot and became the wife of Li's parents.

When Cheng Youran saw this place at the time, he felt very bloody, but you have to believe that there is no more blood but more blood!

When Bai Yueguang married into Li's family, she had been pregnant for two months without telling her husband. In other words, the original male protagonist Li Zhichen was Lu Zixiao's half-brother!

Before his death, Lu Zhengrong made a will and left all his property to Li Zhichen.

-Including Lu Zixiao's mother's dowry.

Who can stand this?

She secretly glanced at Lu Zixiao again, presumably he already knew about it, or maybe not, Lu Zixiao was always uncertain.

"Yes, this location in Central."

Lu Zixiao hung up the phone, and as soon as he hung up, he met Cheng Youran's tangled expression, the gossip desire and the desire to survive struggling back and forth in his eyes.

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