Chapter 1

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"Hey Finral, have you seen Grey somewhere?" Gauche asked the spatial mage as he kept on looking for Grey inside the royal infirmary. Lately, when Owen made sure that his wounds were healed by the help of Grey's magic, the brown haired wants to thank the girl who saved him from his deathbed. Though it seems like she's not around here inside.

"Uhm... I think she went back to the hideout first with Henry." Finral scratched the back of his neck, smiling so awkwardly. "It's been so tough for everyone, especially for Asta-kun who was still unconscious, ever since the dark triad attacked the black bull base. Leaving her alone for a while is the best thing that we could do." He advised.

The brown haired then lowered his gaze and sighed. "Is that so?" After the clover incident that made him almost lose his life, Gauche wants to personally thank the person who saved him on the verge of death.

The one with an unknown name and magic, Grey.

"Don't be so troubled about it, Gauche! Everyone feels frustrated too!" Vanessa tried to lighten the mood, even she is frustrated about everything that happened. "Why don't you pay Marie a visit? I'm sure your sister was worried about you." The pink haired witch suggested. Gauche, then looked at a picture of Marie. He thought of visiting her lovely little sister too, but he planned it after he finally told Grey his gratitude.

"Finral, transport me to where Grey is." The mirror mage was growing impatient. He really won't feel relieved until he finally thanked the bob cut in person.

"I just told you to leave her for a moment, didn't I?! And also, I'm your senpai!" Finral blurted before casting a small portal that will send them back to the black bull base. "Seriously... Why is it always like this?" Even though he's always refusing to their orders, he couldn't just ignore his juniors, doesn't he?

"Thanks." A small grin escaped the tip of Gauche's lips as he meticulously entered the portal Finral had cast, leaving the spatial mage surprised. Well, of course, it was unusual for Gauche to say "thanks" and smile so genuinely like that. But instead of showing him his surprised expression, he immediately replaced it with a warm smile.

Meanwhile, at the black bull base. Grey was standing right in front of where Gauche was stabbed by a huge sword. If she only doesn't possess that kind of magic, then maybe the guy whom she always admired from afar will vanish right in front of her eyes, slowly taking him away from her.

Although, she didn't want that.


"Yes?" The brown haired answered as he stood next to the suddenly embarrassed Grey. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Grey was shocked. She suddenly felt really embarrassed when she thoughtlessly called the brown haired's name right out of nowhere.

"N-N-N-Nothing! Please don't look at me!" The bob cut tried hiding her face using both of her slender arms, face red. It was Gauche who was in front of him after all.

"Hey..." The brown haired took a small glance at the girl, before stepping forward as he gently held her arms together. "Come with me. I'll show you something."

The bob cut was stunned, lips parted in surprise. "B-B-But it's already d-dark!"

"It won't hurt you to come with me, ain't it?" Gauche hissed. Placing his hands back on his pocket. "Follow me." The brown haired without further left the girl as he told her to follow him. Making the maiden doubt at first, but done it instead.

Looking back, it was the first time that the two of them both went out on his own free will, though. Most of the time, they will only hang out when Grey needs something, but this time it was Gauche.

"Gauche-kun..." She whispered his name, glancing at the tall figure with a small grin on her face.

I wonder what you'll show me...


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NOTEHello, Mina-san! This is my very first black clover fanfic so I hope you guys like it

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Hello, Mina-san! This is my very first black clover fanfic so I hope you guys like it. And I'm still an amateur writer so feel free to critique my english. Hope you enjoy this Greyche fanfic!🍀

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