Chapter 13: Special 02

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The day passed and it was already morning.

While the brunette is standing outside the hideout, waiting for Grey to finish preparing. For a brief moment, he was allured by how fascinating the sunrise were, making him reminisce the past and how it all started.

"Will she like it if I give this to her?" He mumbled to himself while staring at a small box. "Or... Was I being too rash?" Perhaps, he was anxious after all. No matter how much he mastered having his poker face on, the uneasiness inside wouldn't just fade that easily. It was so unnerving that he's starting to overthink again and again.

Until he stops and hesitate.

"It's not the time, yet." Gauche caressed the small box and hid it inside his pocket.

For now, he wanted to focus more on the vacation with Grey. He can't let his thoughts get in the way with him having fun with her. Things must go smoothly.

"Gauche-senpai!" All of a sudden, a familiar voice then called his name. It was so familiar that it's starting to irritate him. "Man, are we ready to go now? I wonder if what places were you going to take me! And did I mention that it's my first time going on a trip with you? Then, please take care of me!" There stood an anti-magic boy with a huge travel bag behind his back.

"Why are you in Asta's form, Grey?" The brown haired frowned. "I like you better in your real form, though." He muttered and gave her a pat. She immediately came back from her real form after that.

Looking at her elegance, she was wearing a nice sleeveless dress together with a sling bag and a pearl necklace. It was way beyond his expectations, and a better one.

"Do you... like it?" Before Gauche even knew it, he was blushing.

"Of course!" How can he say that he doesn't, though, when she's so stunning and beautiful wearing a strap dress?!

"Are you alright?" Grey asked when she noticed that his face were steaming red, as if he was resisting to have nosebleeds.

The brunette tried to calm himself first and nodded. "I'm fine now that you're here." He must not lose his cool at all cost. This was their first proper date, so he can't let his guard down. "By the way, what stuff did you bring with you? You even have a travel bag." Gauche mentioned, gesturing the travel bag behind her.

"Ah! It was for... e-emergency purposes." She replied, slightly embarrassed.

Gauche smiled and walked towards her. "Do you mind if I lift your bag? I didn't want to make your arms feel sore." He said, worried that she may feel uncomfortable. Plus, he was being a gentleman just now.

"N-No worries. Thank you..." It wasn't only Gauche who was trying so hard to make this vacation x date work, but also Grey as well. She didn't want to make Gauche have a hard time dealing with her stuttering and self down, that's why she's been practicing all night to act differently towards him.

It is for a fact that they were both looking forward to this trip.

"As I thought! I knew you'd be earlier than me." Then suddenly, both Gauche and Grey looked at Finral the moment they heard him from afar, waving his hand.

The bluette seems to be confused why Finral was with them, so Gauche explained. "I was planning to take you to Raquey, that's why I asked Finral a favor to sent us there."

"Lucky... I want to go to the beach, too, but Yami-san and I have a mission to attend." The spatial mage smiled with a tint of jealousy. Someday, he wanted to bring Ms. Finesse to the beach, too, and enjoy the whole day with her. "I guess the restaurants and parks were open now. Hope you'll enjoy your trip!" Finral beamed as he cast a huge portal that leads them to the beach.

They could already feel it, the nice soothing sea breeze along with the morning view. But somehow, Grey always feel nervous whenever she thought about being alone with him, even though he's her boyfriend now.

There's no way Gauche didn't notice it, and he knew her very well if she's troubled or anxious about something. Therefore, he gently held her hand and smiled, thinking that it'll at least ease her mind, and it did.

"Let's go." He said.

They held each other's hand as they walked inside the portal, only to be welcomed by a nice view of the sunrise from the beach.

Pov: Gauche whenever he sees Grey and Marie together.

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