Chapter 15: Special 04

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"Does this mean... I'm his fiancée now?" Grey couldn't help but to huddle herself in the pillows of the hotel room's bed. This was beyond embarrassment. She couldn't handle it anymore and started screaming, voicelessly.

Yet, all of a sudden, the bluette heard a knock coming from the door. She figured that it must've been Gauche, since he was only on the other side of her room. "Would you like to have some bottle of milk? It's still early... Why don't we have a chat in the lounge?" The brown haired uttered outside.

While slightly panicking, the bob cut said 'yes'. She was about to ask him out anyway. Hence, it was still seven o'clock. But before leaving, she took a shower first and wear another dress and a black coat. Tonight was chilly, so she had to cover most of her skin.

"You look stunning with a coat on." Gauche complimented as they both head to the hotel's lounge.

Only for Grey to get flustered again. "D-Don't look at me! It's embarrassing!"

"You're saying that now?" The brunette let out a smirk. "Wait for me at the veranda. I'll order us some milk and coffee." He said before he went to the beverage station.

She then does what he told her and went to the veranda.

She was welcomed with a peaceful sensation, the ambiance of the sea breeze at night and the feeling of being alone with someone. It felt nostalgic that makes her remind of what happened for the past years. As if it was all a dream... though... wasn't it just a dream, even at the beginning?

Besides, this was too good to be even true. Being an arcane stage, becoming one of the heroes of Clover Kingdom, and receiving so much love by the ones who she thought would never notice her. Isn't this just like a dream?



"Are you... crying?" The brunette noticed tears on her left eye, and tried wiping it with his thumb, before caressing her face. "Is there something wrong?"

Grey tried to shake her head and held his hand instead. "No... I'm fine." She said. "W-Where's the milk?"

"Oh... here." Gauche gestured a bottle of milk inside a paper bag, as well as a bottle of coffee. "Would you like to take a walk at the beach again? Maybe it'll ease our minds a little." He suggested.

The bluette couldn't ask for more and beamed. That's right, she wanted to ease her mind from the depth of her emotions. While wondering in the midst of the dark night... were people inside a relationship just as anxious as her? It's her first time, that's why she didn't know that it'll feel like this, despite all the love and fun memories that they've made.

"What are you being so anxious about?" Just as how it was recently, the brunette were bright enough to notice everything through her eyes. "You can tell me." She lifts her head and looked at the taller frame who was wearing a purple polo and a vest, and halted in front of him.

"W-Will you marry me...?!"

"Eh?" Gauche felt dumbstruck and started to get confused. "What do-"

"I-I don't have a ring with me... but please accept this!" From her pocket, she took out a small carnation and handed it to him.

The brunette then started to feel a little embarrassed. "Why all of a sudden?"

His reply made her teary eyed and hopeless. "D-Don't you want to?"

"Of course! Of course, I wanted to, but... you weren't supposed to be the one proposing." He explained and began to laugh.

Although, Grey was still confused. "B-But they said, one gets to propose if they're to be married...!!!" She blurted and hid her face, wishing to be buried alive in the sand.

"Yeah, but it's for the guys' to do it." Her actions made him titter, and he couldn't resist. But then, "Though, too bad... I was going to ask you first." He sighed and walked towards her as he grasped the flower. "To answer your question, yes. Does that ease your mind a little?"

"What do you mean by that..."

"It was nothing." Gauche smiled while trying to smell the flower. "Where did you get this?"

"F-From the hotel, they had one inside my r-room. I also asked for permission, so don't worry!" The bluette exclaimed, making him grin.

"Give me your hand." Without having any thoughts, Grey let out her hand, and the brunette grabbed it gently. "Your hands were smaller than mine, I hope it'll fit well." Therefore, he took out a small box from his pocket and in it was obviously a couple's ring. "I... thought I was prepared, but I almost chickened out." He opened the box benevolently, and placed the ring in her finger. "It suits you well."

"I'd like to put on yours, too." She said and took the other ring on the box. "You've... prepared so much for me... I'm truly grateful for everything."

That night on their first trip, they decided to walk a bit further at the seaside, and played with the waves. The next day, they decided to explore the whole town and they have sure gotten a lot closer after all what happened. Also, Gauche finally realized why Grey was avoiding swimming this whole time. When they got back from the base, the black bull's squad were shocked to see them wearing a couple's ring. They found out later on that they were now engaged, yet the wedding is soon to be announced. The two also asked Henry to make a portable aquarium for their fish, and it was located inside Grey and Gauche's room.

Indeed, the time felt faster, as if it was rushed. They can't make any rash decisions, either, and it's better to take it slowly. One step at a time. That's just how life works. You can't rush things and expect the results to be delicate. Things can't always go on your way if you're impatient enough.

But through time, patience will make things work out, and the results will be worth it.

End of Special Chapter...

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