Side Story 3

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4. Grey as a demoness?!

"I... I won't stop... Not until I defeat the demoness..." The king of the heavenly mirror and light panted heavily as he stood his feet on the grounds of the demon queen. "I'll defeat--no...surpass you!" Even if the king still have the courage and will to fight, his body tells him the exact opposite and was now severely injured due to his opponent's latest attack that made him in this crucial state.

"Save your breath and leave. I told you already, you're no match for a demon like me." The demoness said, looking down at the king.

"Not yet... I have trained over and over again just to prepare for this battle... I can't lose..." He said as he ran out of breath and can't help it but to kneel down from the ground.

Seeing him like this, the demoness laughed. "Even if you came back here millions of time just so you could defeat me, you can't. Humans can't surpass demons." She said, mocking the king. She also finds him quite fun to tease.

"Then... Isn't there any other way for you to accept me as your husband?!" The king shouted, making the demoness startled.

This is what she always avoided the most. "N-N-No! Never! Marriage is embarrassing!" She stuttered. "I-I won't marry anyone who is weaker than me! Those who can surpass my abilities are the only ones qualified to be my king!" The demoness blurted and walked away.

Whenever the topic suddenly gets changed to marriage and love interest, she then loses her guard down and becoming her usual old timid self again. And as the queen of the demon realm, she must put a courageous act for the sake of her sworn believers. Thus, she mustn't show her cons and weaknesses to those who believe in her.

But this man, seeing him, makes her act like what she had always used to be. It's also not true that she will never marry a man who is weaker than her. It's just a lie that she used to avoid getting married.

"Grey-sama!" The king called the demoness's name as he forced himself to stand up from kneeling, breathing heavily. "I may have lost today's battle... and I'll probably lose to you over and over again... but that doesn't mean I'd stop, and I will never, not until I finally win your heart and become my queen!" The king, Gauche Adlai, pledged before walking away from his defeat.

The demoness, though, was so startled about the last thing he said that it made her think about him all night. Thus, it was a mutual defeat.

5. Bird nest

Grey went out for a while to buy some milk from the store when she suddenly stumbled upon a short yet buff guy. Her nose then started to bleed due to the huge impact that made Asta and Liebe feel anxious.

"Ouch..." Grey squirmed as she held her nose.

"A-Are you alright, Grey-senpai?!" The short anti-magic boy asked. Liebe then handed a small bag of tissue to the blue antenna for her to use to stop the bleeding.

"Y-You're back is still as hard as ever, that I found it super gross sometimes!" She blurted and covered her face.

"Eh?! What does that suppose to mean?!"

Liebe then smirked and placed a hand on his chin. "It is gross, tho."

Asta stared at him wide-eyed. "Wait-! Even you, Liebe?!" The small demon just shrugged and flee on top of the short anti-magic's head. "Eh?"

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