Side Story 1

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What if Grey wasn't a shy girl but a more mature woman and Gauche was gentle and more passionate instead?

"Grey Sensei!" Someone called, making the blue antenna stop.

And in her surprise, it was her student from Class B and a member of the Black Bull Committee. "Gauche-kun? What is it?" She asked as she examines the student. "Do you need something?"

"S-Sensei, no I..." The brown haired lowered his gaze and clenched his fist. It was too much, the brown haired wasn't acting as he wanted him to be. He's only embarrassing himself in front of his Sensei.

"What's wrong? You're red. Are you sick?" The blue antenna stepped much closer to the brown haired, gently placing her hand on his forehead. "Wha... You're hot. You should go to the infirmary right away." She said, worried of her student.

"N-No... I'm fine, Sensei..." Gauche muttered, stepping back.

"No! You're going to the infirmary! Besides, you're having your nose bleeding again!" Grey said while freaking out. She's still not used to seeing Gauche in his daily nose bleeding even though she saw that many times already. "What's the deal of your nose bleeding anyway? Have you already consulted to a doctor?" She asked, pulling out Gauche's hand.

"Uhm... They said I have anemia." The brown haired's eyes landed across to his hand intertwining his Sensei's. To him, it was the best feeling he could ever wish for. "Sensei... I'm really fine. I also have some medicines to stop the bleeding."

"But you're not just bleeding but also sick, so just stay quiet and let your Sensei worry about you." Grey said bluntly as they both hurried to the school's clinic.

The whole time, Grey was the one who took care of Gauche in the clover high infirmary. She doesn't have that much of a class to attend to either way. Besides, If ever she tried to send Gauche home right away, probably no one is around to take care of him. Because he's only living by himself on his apartment. His monthly expenses were quite high too, so he might've been overworked his body, causing for him to get sick.

"37.8 °C, thankfully, it was only a low grade fever. He should be ok to go home now, so he could take some proper rest." Dr. Owen said as he confronts Grey. "By the way, Grey Sensei. Do you perhaps knew someone that could take Young Gauche home?"

The blue antenna slightly shook her head off and sighed.

"Then, could you do your student a favor and bring him home safely?" Owen asked politely, making her glance at the student as he sleeps so thoroughly on the bed.

"Hmm... Well, I guess I have to." She does feel a bit sorry for her student, given by his family situation. She also wanted him to feel that there was someone like her in this world that he could lean on whenever he has a problem.

Like a friend can do.

"Sensei... I'm fine, really. I don't want to cause you some trouble anymore." Gauche mumbled as they both stand in front of the door of his apartment after taking a cab from school. "Grey Sensei..."

The blue antenna was only ignoring his mutterings and finally entered the keys to his door lock. Opening the door slightly and gesturing Gauche to sit on the couch. "I'm gonna go cook you some soup. Can I borrow your kitchen?"

"Of course..."

She smiled. "Take a deep rest. I'll wake you up when the soup is ready." The blue antenna said as she covered him with a blanket, letting out a small grin before entering his small single kitchen.

The brown haired still can't believe that her Sensei was on his kitchen making miso soup. It was definitely too good to be true. "Sensei... Stop it already..."

He wanted to confess to her before he graduates from high school and move to Switzerland for his university scholarship. Just now, he was even wondering if confessing his feelings were relevant.

And of course, he's prepared for the worst case. It's not like he's expecting her to like him back.

"Here's your miso soup. Eat up! Be careful, 'cause it's hot." The blue antenna placed the bowl of miso soup on top of the mini table after cooking some in his kitchen. She also prepared some water for him to drink and some medicines for his fever. "After you finish eating, take some rest. You're also excused for tomorrow's school, so you don't have to worry about anything."

Gauche can't help it but to beam. "Thank you, Sensei."

"Don't sweat it! We already knew each other for a long time! Come on now, eat up. It's already nighttime, too, so I better go home after you finish eating." Grey mumbled as she looked at her watch, making the brown haired feel a little uneasy.

"U-Uhm Sensei... Before that, I have something to tell you..."

"Hm... You do seem like you wanted to say something back then. Tell me now, what is it?"

The brown haired took a deep breath first before smiling so genuinely at his teacher. "I... I'm going to study overseas. Thank you for guiding and taking care of me until now." He said softly before leaning on Grey's shoulders. "When I'm gone, please take care of yourself. I won't be able to be here now if something happens to you."

Grey felt really dumbfounded. She suddenly doesn't know what to feel. "C-Congratulations, then!" It's true that she's happy. She really is. But those sad feelings of parting just really can't be helped, doesn't it?

"Sensei, could you do me one last favor?" Gauche hugged his knees and glanced at the blue antenna.

"What is it?"

"Please don't get married."

"Huh?!" She exclaimed, shocked. "What kind of favor is that?!"

"I just don't want you to get married." He answered. He really wasn't kidding, though. "I'll be studying overseas for four years. I just don't want to see you married after I came back." Grey only chuckled on his answer, consisting him to feel embarrassed.

"As if there was someone."

"What if there was?"

"Then maybe they're blind. I'm not attractive, nor beautiful."

"You're wrong." He protested.

"Hm?" She chuckled and lifted her head to his side. "Why don't you want me to get married then?"

"Because..." Gauche covered himself a blanket as he rolled down to his couch. "I want to be the one marrying you." He muttered and closed his eyes, hoping that this was all a dream.

What do you think about this? (Cuz I don't think it's good, lol)

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