Chapter 7

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"Hey. Want some apple?" Gauche offered, slightly raising his brow as he watched her stare at him and the apple. "What? Don't you want it?" He groaned, keeping his poker face on.

"N-No! I-I'll take it." The bob cut stuttered and gently grabbed the apple using both of her hands. Caressing it slowly as she took a peek without knowing that it'll create a reflection from the sunlight, consisting her to see the reflection of her face in the apple. But compared to her usual nervous breakdown, she only stared at her reflection without even reacting to it. It's like there are butterflies in her head right now, fluttering, causing her too unable to think.

"Want me to slice it?" Gauche asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

Grey then snapped out of reality and started being embarrassed again. "Huh? No... I-It's ok! Troubling Gauche-kun is embarrassing!" She blurted and covered her face.

The brown haired frowned at her reaction. "Geez... We're on a mission. If you get hungry, it'll hinder your training. You also need more stamina because we're heading to the strong magic region." He hissed and took the apple from her hand by force. Taking out a knife from his leather pocket and slicing it into pieces.

"It's really fine..." Grey mumbled.

"It's better this way." He responded.

After slicing it into pieces, the mirror mage placed it inside a jar.

"It's easier to eat apples if they're sliced." Gauche handed out the jar of apples as Grey gently took it. "Don't you agree?"

"Yes..." She replied, taking a slice.

The brown haired after seeing her eat sighed and sit beside her. Grey by instinct distanced herself from the mage. "Hey."

"H-Huh? Y-Yes?"

"It's been so awkward between us ever since that night. And I feel like I need to clear things up with you." Gauche averted his eyes on Grey without moving his head. "That night, I only wanted to thank you and bring you to the forest of fireflies. Nothing more." After hearing what he just said, the bob cut's face started to turn even more red, just like a tomato.

"I-Is that so?" She said sheepishly. "I-I'm sorry for acting all flustered..."

She didn't know.

"It happened already, so there's no need to be sorry." He groaned and stood up from his seat. "Man... I'm going to check the others if the base was finally ready. You should finish eating your apple." Grey without a word nodded as her response. The brown haired then stared at the bob cut, as if leaving something. "Also... You're not useless." And then he left, leaving the other party dumbfounded.

"W-W-Wha..." Grey muttered in the middle of covering her face. "This can't be happening..." Her heart was beating faster. Her face was blushing. She's sweating, and his voice kept repeating in her head. "It's embarrassing..." Facing him was hard, it's awkward. But now that it turned out to be like this, I don't think she could handle it anymore. "These feelings were embarrassing..."

It started for a long time ago. The night when she tried to run away from home, hiding her real identity as one of her stepsisters. Running. Far away. Where no one could ever see her. Then, some group of robbers saw her lurking around in the forest late at night and were about to harm and steal her jewelry when a man hurried to the scene to save her. It was Gauche. Beside him was his little sister, Marie.

That was the first time they encountered.

But Gauche didn't know, because Grey kept it a secret. She folds in and wrapped away her feelings. She tried to hide her face and identity. Showed everyone another form. Handled it for quite a long time, all alone.

"Gauche-kun, I... wanted to tell you something."

She doesn't have any courage. She's not like everyone inside the squad. She's imperfect and insecure. That's why she hid herself away from the world. She didn't want anyone to see the real her.

And in the midst of that, no one has ever tried to find her.

She has nothing. But the light that Gauche brought her made her want to live and survive.

"It's embarrassing but... I wanted to tell you these words."


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NOTEFirst of all, thank you for the 1k reads

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First of all, thank you for the 1k reads. I really wasn't expecting this but thank you and I appreciated it. Hope you enjoy this new chapter. I know I'm uploading this chapter a little bit too late and it's because of my schoolworks and stuffs.🍀

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