Chapter 3

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Gauche without batting her an eye walked pass the stammering figure, hearing those words directly from her was quite disappointing. It wasn't what he expected her to say. "Let's get back to our hideout. I'll just visit Marie some other time, since it's already late." The brown haired continued walking, leaving the bob cut behind.

The whole night mourning to herself, she still didn't know why Gauche brought her to the further most part of the neutral zone's forest where the strong magic region can be seen.

And to top it all, what was it that Gauche were supposed to show her that night?

"I don't know..." Grey was on the verge of exploding. She really felt ashamed about everything that happened recently. It's like she's letting the despair eat her. On what way will she be able to face him now? "Gauche-kun... I-..."

And as if the time was on a hurry, it was already morning. Grey hadn't got any sleep at all. Besides the fact that the black bull base was half destroyed, she can't make herself fall asleep when there are others who were suffering from the loss of their loved ones due to the attack.

They were lucky that all of them managed to survived, though.

"You're the vice captain... of the black bull?!" Vanessa was confounded with surprise.

"Why now? You've never once come here before, so why..." Finral stated in shock, surprised by the sudden visit of a certain someone. A person that none of them was even aware of his existence.

The vice captain of the black bull, Nacht Faust. "It's because I hate this squad." The tall figure blurted.

The four of them inside the living room were extremely shocked. Who would've thought that this squad has a vice captain they weren't even aware of?

"Being the vice captain of the black bull squad gives me the freedom to operate my missions freely as a magic knight. It's a pretty convenient thing, too." The vice captain putted a deathly smile on his face. As if he's looking down at all the members of the squad. "You see... I hate those people who don't do their jobs properly. And what was it that they're calling you again? A squad who was known for having good-for-nothing members with damage on their names, is that correct?" Nacht sounded really sarcastic about his words. Yet they can't seem to argue about that.

After all, it's true...

"Although you've played a major role in the last war six months ago, that still doesn't erase the fact that all of you are past failures." The black bull members were at a loss for words that none of them can't even afford to speak. Paralyzed by the sudden lecture. "A brazen witch who does nothing but drink all day. A spatial mage who was careless with woman that it even interferes his missions. A former noble and an ex-convict. And then those two peasants with an evil looking face and an evil looking mask. Come to think of it, you do seem like the freaks that worthless captain of yours would pull together." As Nacht continued to insult the black bull's backgrounds, Grey felt something flowing within her.

"S-Stop it! Please! Th-They're all good people!" As much as she didn't want to intervene in her superior's confrontation, her desire to defend her family was overflowing. "P-Please... don't just judge them by how they look!" With that, a cold stare reaches the light blue eyes of the vice captain. Looking at them with disgust.

"If you don't want to be judged by how the way you look, then don't look like that." It was a simple phrase but enough to make the whole party speechless. "When some nasty people or those who've done something evil suddenly became good... the twist tends to make them more likable by others. And I hate that." Rather than arguing with the vice captain, they knew that what he's saying right now were true. And that they can't deny the fact that all of them were failures as magic knights. "The greatest people are those who are good from the start."

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