Chapter 8

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Grey watched the rest of their comrades as they all talk about the plan they should take to invade the new elves' village. Some suggested that they should all leave the heart kingdom together. Some using the raging bull. And some even proposed to let Finral go there all by himself, that made the spatial mage hurt a little.

"Ridiculous... Shouldn't you use your spatial magic to check if the coast is clear?" Zora sneered as he plucked an apple away from the tree. Taking a bite from it with his casual bored look.

On the other hand, Vanessa had already considered the thought and felt like it was the easiest way for them to avoid such risk. Finral himself was also aware, and it wouldn't be much more complicated if he used his spatial magic to transport everyone to the said village.

"Still... It was dangerous to let him go all by himself. Maybe if rouge was around, we could arrive at the new elves' village safe and sound." Vanessa proposed an idea which made Finral and the rest found reasonable. With rouge around, they could pretty much avoid their ass getting into trouble.

The spatial mage then agreed with a smile. "Thank you, Vanessa-san."

"Don't sweat it!" Vanessa chuckled while budging his shoulder, which cost Finral to blush a little. That closure though made him thought about silly things, yet his heart still longs for whom he has sworn his life for.

After that, the two waste no time and left the heart kingdom. The rest who left behind took most of their time to take some rest and explore the heart kingdom.

And as the squad parted their ways, they all went on doing something while waiting for the said mages. Like Zora climbing up the tree to take a nap, Magna and Gordon trying to explore more about the heart's forest, Henry resting at the base to regain his strength, Gauche picking up some apples to eat and Grey sitting next to the lake.

Gauche though, until now, was still bothered about everything that happened. After that night, he can't get her out of his head. It just stuck.

"Damn these apples..." He cursed.

And of course, the awkwardness. He can't stand it. It's really annoying to feel that awkward towards someone.

"I want to see Marie..." Gauche mumbled as he grabbed something on his pocket, it was a picture of his little sister, obviously. "Marie..." He smiled. For a moment, he got his eyes focused on Marie.

But soon enough, he started closing his eyes.

"This is really getting annoying." He sighed out of frustration. Even his voice can tell you how troubled he is.

A few moments later, the brown haired found himself grabbing another apple. But this time, it was for her. You can't blame him, though. He's just concerned about Grey because she hasn't eaten anything since morning.

Nothing more.

Taking a few steps, Gauche finally saw the blue maiden, who was completely zoning out. He tried stepping closer a bit, but it didn't take any of her attention. "What was she thinking about?" The brown haired mumbled to himself. She didn't even flinch after tapping her a few times. "Want some apple?" He asked. But he didn't get any answer, only a stare coming from her, making him raise his brow. "What? Don't you want it?"

"N-No! I-I'll take it!"

Finally, coming back to her senses, Grey then gently took the apple from his hand. Staring at it with those gray eyes and caressing it with those thin hands.

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