Chapter 12: Special 01

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It's been a year and a half since the war between the spade and the clover kingdom had started. Even until now, no one could actually tell who exactly won. Many questions weren't completely answered either, and there's no telling what will happen next in this very last moments of their lives, knowing that there are countless enemies who were lurking in this world. Regardless of that, many things had changed ever since. They've also gotten a lot stronger than how they were before, and things have been going on smoothly with those two as well.

Before the war, they ended up going out with each other. The black bull squad weren't even surprised about it when they heard the news, especially Vanessa, who got to tease them all the time because of it.

Grey's confidence improved quite a lot, too, since Gauche was helping her gain more confidence. In spite of her being embarrassed when talking to people, her eagerness wanted her to try multiple of times and that slowly changed her beliefs from "running away" to "facing reality" and somehow, it managed her to obtain at least the littlest amount of confidence she needs as she live in a world full of cruelty and prejudices. Yet, the timidness inside her can't be changed after all. Gauche find it strangely cute, though, for a sister-loving jerk like him.

"We've been going out for almost two years now, but... we never had an actual proper date before..." The brown haired mage sulked and sighed heavily while pulling out the strings of his hair whenever he gets more anxious. "Should I ask her?" Gauche looked directly at Finral who was still confused about his whereabouts.

"You two were always together for almost every day, hadn't you two have any missions to attend. But I guess it's only normal for couples to date at least once in a while." Finral smiled at the troubled mage. He remembered how he offered Gauche some dating tips back when they only started going out, yet his ego really can't help but to scream jealousy whenever he sees the two being all lovey-dovey. For how long will he be able to endure it, though? "Lucky you..." He whispered, Gauche didn't seem to hear it, though. "Oh! And since it has come to this anyway, why don't you two go out for a vacation? Have a two-day trip out of town! I'm sure Yami-san would let you off for just a few days." He suggested.

"A two-day trip..." The brunette placed a hand on his chin and think it through for a moment. Looking at his eyes, you can definitely see the doubt and hesitation from it.

"Why? You don't like it?"

Gauche shook his head. "It's not that I don't like it. And I was actually planning Never mind. I think a trip out of town is nice." Finral's eyes broadened from his reply. 'What was he trying to say just now?' He wanted to ask him, but he resisted himself from doing so and just casually showed him some famous tourist attraction and nice hotels for them to visit on the trip to change the subject. 'I think I'll just wait and see how things would go on with these two.' He smiled from the thought.

The next day, the brunette told their captain about the two-day trip and asked if they could have a day off. Yami can't do anything about it, though, other than to just let them do whatever they want. Plus, he was taking some shit that time, so he agreed immediately. He doesn't like getting interrupted with his business.

The brunette also prepared everything by then, including the booking and all the expenses. The only thing that's left for him to do now was to tell this whole thing to Grey, who just came back from a mission. Gauche greeted her first as soon as he saw her, and Grey coyly does the same. It's been like this ever since they started going out. Always greeting each other, eating together, walking together, holding hands together, visiting the capital together, joining missions together. And it's because they're always together that they don't have any proper date before! But now, with all his courage and strength, Gauche was finally going to ask her on a date.

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