Chapter 14: Special 03

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Grey didn't expect much of it at first, but before she knew it, she was having the greatest time of her life. Never would she have imagined that she'll be able to ride a sea guardian, one day, and taste so many seafoods on one of the finest restaurants in Clover Kingdom. The couple also went on a hiking trip where they could totally see the whole town of Raquey, and even the royal capital. It was as if they were sightseeing at broad daylight.

Nonetheless, Gauche was glad that she's having a good time. Seeing her happy is more than enough to make him smile.

"Do you want to swim at the beach next?" Grey felt a pinch of embarrassment rise within her the moment the brunette asked that. "Don't you want to?"

"I-I don't know how to... swim." She muttered and scratched her cheeks, embarrassed.

Though, that's not the only reason.

"I can teach you how to swim if you'd like!" Gauche offered that made her even more embarrassed.

As much as she wants to decline, she didn't want to waste the time being at the beach with him. Yet, Gauche saw right through her eyes that she's uncomfy of the thought, and felt a little ashamed.

"It's alright to decline. I don't want to pressure you on doing things that you don't like." Gauche reminded and gave her a pat. "Tell me if you don't like something, I'll stop."

She then immediately disagreed from what he said. "T-That's not it! I was just... embarrassed."

'Embarrassed from what?' The brown haired asked in thought, slightly curious. "Either way, let's have some dessert for now. I know a bungalow." He smiled and held her hand.

The couple went out to that said bungalow and ate tons of different desserts that were only exclusive in Raquey. Truly, it's nice to have something different at least once in a while. Yet still, Grey felt really bothered from the thing he just said. She was anxious.

"Are you listening, Grey?"

"H-Huh?!" It was only then when she soon realized that she's spacing out. "W-What was it again?"

Gauche smiled and held her face. "I said... Do you want to adopt a pet?"

'P-P-Pet?!' "I-I don't think I c-can take such huge responsibility!" Grey blunted and hid her face, the brunette only laughed from the sight as he pats her head.

"I mean, a fish." He chuckled. "I was wondering if we could set an aquarium in the hideout and pet a fish. What do you think?" Gauche leaned closer, that caused the bluette to shudder.

"S-Sure!" Grey closed her eyes.

"That's my girl." He then aimed for a kiss in the forehead.

After that, they went to the Tropical Fish Store near the seaside and Gauche bluntly said to buy all the exotic fish inside that shop. Grey was surprised, though, and told him that she'll just pick two pairs of fish. She was embarrassed the whole time when picking, it's like her brain was malfunctioning. Until suddenly, two fishes hiding in the same boat had caught Grey's attention.

"Pictus catfish." The owner of the shop said when he noticed that Grey was staring at them. "They were extremely shy, but also easy to take care of and lovable." He smiled and walked beside her.

"Do you want them?" Gauche asked the bluette who looks uncertain.

What caught her attention was how peaceful looking they were, despite being mildly venomous, together with their gray scales and fins. It just felt alluring.

"Let's take them..." She mumbled.

The owner smiled and waved his wand towards the aquarium, making the two pictus catfish float in the air. Those two fish turned into two crystal balls.

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