Side Story 2

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1. The rumour

"Huh?! Where in the world did you hear that from?!" Gauche frowned at his girlfriend, Grey, who was now teary and red.

"Y-You cheater! They said you were hanging out with some other girl last night at the mixer!" The blue antenna sobbed. "Vanessa-san even t-told me that she often see you leaving at the hideout late at night!"

"I was on a mission!"

"T-That's not the point!"

Gauche sighed. "Just shut up."

"N-No! Not until you tell me who she is!" Grey howled like a stubborn child. Making the brown haired cover his face with his palm.

"Damn it..." He cursed and looked at his girlfriend. "I like you. I love you. You're the only one that I want." Gauche said with a straight face, yet you can totally see his affections towards the blue antenna through his brown eyes. Not to mention his sweet voice that left the bob cut standing straight like a stick.

"H-Huh?" Grey stuttered.

"What makes you think that I'm cheating on you?"

"N-No... I-"

"And I was never been in a mixer anyway." Gauche suddenly stepped closer to his girlfriend, slowly making her close to him as he pinned her down on the wall. "Say... you just wanted me to tell you that I love you, don't you?" He teased with a smirk.

"T-That's not it!" Grey blurted and covered her face.

"Would you also mind telling me where have you heard this shit from?" Gauche tried changing the subject, making the bob cut flustered.

"F-From Noelle-san and Vanessa-san..." She mumbled.


2. Marie

"Listen, brats. Since today's pay day, you're now free to do whatever the hell you want." Yami groaned and looked at his ride, Finral. "My stomach is on the verge of explosion. Hurry and go take me to john."

"E-Eh?! Why didn't you tell me that earlier?!" The spatial mage then immediately cast a portal after hearing the captain's loud grumbling stomach, sending him to his usual business spot. "Hurry, Yami-san! That kind of huge thing shouldn't be kept waiting!" He blurted and pushed the captain inside the portal.

"Hey, Finral! Go send me to nean! I need to see Marie!" Gauche on the other hand stepped right closer to the spatial mage, grabbing his shoulder while nose bleeding.

"Huh?! You too?! Also, I have seniority here!" Finral complained but cast a portal anyway. "Tell Marie I said 'Hi'!"

"Like hell I'd ever tell her that!"


Gauche then started walking and was about to enter the portal when a gentle tug on his shirt made him go in complete halt. He began to get confused at first, trying to look down to see who it was as his eyes landed on a mere blue bob cut.

Words To Tell (grey x gauche)Where stories live. Discover now