Chapter 10

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The suddenly flustered Grey started walking nervously back at the raging bull while thinking of all the possible way she could do to tell him her one-sided feelings. Although, that makes her feel very embarrassed.

"Hey." Suddenly, it startled the bluette when a hand all of a sudden stroked her head, causing her to stop.

When she raised her head to see who it was, a familiar face showed and spring up to her eyes. "Gauche-kun..."

"The apples?" The brown haired asked nonchalantly, making her flush and look away.

"I-I-I already ate most of them!" She stammered and hid her face using her palms. Gauche later on released his hand and walked past her, hands placed in his pockets.

"Good." A smile then came across the tip of his lips.

It was only caught for a glimpse and was so genuine that it even made her stunned. She didn't even know where in the world did that brunette came from, or why did he come from behind? Wasn't he supposed to be at the hideout? It was all so sudden that the only thing she could do was to stand there, looking so confused, as she tried to function what was really happening. And what's with the smile? Why did he even ask her if she already ate the apple in the first place?

"I don't know!" The bob cut blurted and continued on walking. She's even more embarrassed to face him now that Gauche himself showed up first.

But either way, the moment Grey came back at the black bull's hideout. Finral and Vanessa were already standing there, with the rest of the squad gathered around inside.

"Oh, Grey! You're back!" Vanessa smiled and waved her hand. The bob cut then entered the base, feeling so embarrassed for being the last one to go back.

"Looks like you found them quite faster than expected." Gauche said, looking at Finral and Vanessa. It hasn't even been half an hour since they left from the heart kingdom.

Finral then smiled passionately as he looked at everyone inside the black bull's hideout. "Well, to be honest, the guardian of the new elves' village already knew that we're all coming together in Elysia. The former eye of the midnight sun even escorted us there." The spatial mage sighed out of relief.

"And it seems like we don't really have to be there anymore since everyone is coming back to the clover kingdom after all, but the guardian deity said she wanted to meet us." Vanessa continued.

"She... wanted to meet us?" Magna asked.

"Seems like it. That's why we're heading out there right now." The pinkette witch replied and glanced at Finral.

The spatial mage waited first for the pinkette's gesture before casting out a huge portal made by natural mana whereas it can transport everyone to the new elves' village. And as soon as they all got there, an immensely overwhelming mana suddenly rosed into their body and soul. A peaceful yet ominous mana.

Afterwards, they decided to step out first and entered the huge tree where the guardian of the village who's also known as Dryad is residing in. All of them, including Henry who was now joining the party due to the immense mana of the village getting sucked away by his curse, were now standing right in front of the floral deity.

"Hello! I'm Dryad! It was very nice to meet you!" She greeted. "I've been so looking forward to knowing you all. Here, we can teach you everything you need to know." The guardian said cheerfully as she both clasped her hands.

"Thank you for your kindness, Dryad-sama but... I think we should figure it out ourselves on how we should embrace our own magic more." Finral said, showing deference. "I have come to a realization. We came here not only to reunite with the rest of our squad and become stronger, but also to reflect on ourselves and know what true magic is."

"That's right. Our magic may have not been that stronger to stand against those devils, it's still our duty as a magic knight to protect the clover kingdom. And we'll surely get even more stronger if we surpass our limits." The pinkette witch said confidently.

"I worked my butt off for six months just to obtain a special spell. Like hell, we'd ever lose to those devils!" Magna shouted, making Zora grin and shook his head.

"We... Must... Save... Our... Captain..." Henry muttered as birds gathered around his hair.

The guardian deity wasn't wrong about them after all. "I knew you'd all say that." She said vivaciously. "All of you were already strong and capable enough. You already have your own uniqueness of magic that was built in your training for the past six months. The only thing that was left for each one of you is to figure out your own magic." 'Here in Elysia, you'll know the root of your soul and put your body closer to the mana. With your magic power, it transcends true magic that can make ultimate magic yours.' "Also, you are all free to use this village to train yourself for the upcoming battle, so you can freely go and meet with your friends now!" Dryad said enthusiastically as she looked at everyone's motivated faces, halting as soon as she saw Grey. "Could I have a moment with you?"

The bluette suddenly paused, face red. "E-E-Eh? S-Sure!" Dryad chuckled from her reaction.

"I know you're already aware of what could your magic be, so my only advice for you is to embrace it fully, and it might end up becoming your ultimate triumph card someday. That's why, try to believe in yourself a little. Don't be so afraid to tell the words that you wanted to say. If you have something to tell to a certain someone. You should properly tell them in person, right?" Dryad asked, as if reading what's on Grey's mind.

NOTEFinral being a cutie in this pic

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Finral being a cutie in this pic. Also, next chapter is the epilogue.🍀

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