Chapter 4

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"O-Oi! What the hell are we doing here again?" Gauche frowned at the stammering figure as they both stand in front of a sight that they've been wanting to forget all this time. Though as for some circumstances changing, the two magic knights were given by a task of retrieving Gordon in haste.

Right now, they're in front of the Agrippa's residence. More or less, the cursed house!

"W-We're here f-for a mission!" Grey stuttered beside. Still traumatized by those unknown creatures in the workshop of curses, Mr. Agrippa had shown them last time. "Gauche-kun, y-you should e-enter first!" The bob cut stammered red, slightly pushing his slender body.

"No way! Why would I go first?!"

"T-Then, who should enter firs-"

Suddenly, a suspicious rusty gate clank made the two shiver to their feet. Welcoming by a girl who looks exactly like Gordon but smaller.

"Oh? Visitors?" She said with a creepy smile on her face. This must be Roxanne Agrippa, Gordon's sister. "Were you here to visit my big brother, perhaps?"

The two were stunned at first, and Grey can't help it but to cling on Gauche's arm.

"Y-Yes! Could you bring us to your brother? No I mean... Could you bring your brother here?" Gauche tried not to stutter over his words, yet he still does. And although confused, the girl simply nodded and hurried back inside her house. "Oi! Don't cling to me, Grey!"

"But I-I'm embarrassed! The ghost might look at me!" The bluette blurted out.

The brown haired rolled his eyes and was about to push Grey when he began to stare genuinely at her face, and then looking away. "F-Fine... I'll let you hold my arm just this once."

It was awkward. Grey became even more embarrassed as the thought of last night sink in to her head. And Vanessa was definitely teasing her, putting her on a mission together with the brown haired mage. She couldn't be more embarrassed than that. But still, it's not like she hated the whole idea of it.

"Gauche-kun... were you... mad at me?" The bob cut asked reluctantly, eyes on the ground.

"Rather than saying I was mad at you, I could much more say that I'm disappointed." He sighed and glanced at the maiden, feeling a bit ashamed of the thing he said.

Grey kept her gaze on the ground as she holds on to his slender arm tightly. "I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't have said that." Facing him was embarrassing, but she knew she had to say it.

"It's fine now, so don't worry about it! In fact, I too was useless at that time. I couldn't even do a thing..." He scoffed, almost sounded like a bitter laugh. But to be honest, he was frustrated after all. The fact that he was helpless at that time makes him feel sick of himself. "That's why I'm telling you... it's fin---huh?!"

Both parties were shocked, even Grey herself. She only realized what she's doing when she's hugging Gauche's waist already!

"Oi, Grey! Wh-What're you doing?!" The brown haired immediately grabbed her forehead, trying to push her away. For real, this time.

Yet, Grey hugged the brown haired's waist even tighter, resulting for him to give up on resisting. "I don't know why! But I just want to give you a hug, even though I'm embarrassed!" That's right. She'll just regret it later. Right now, she just wanted to give him a hug. Besides, her feelings were already beyond her control.

"Idiot!" How couldn't she realize it, though? That Gauche also feels the same way? She acted so pathetically, she didn't even try to consider his feelings. "Stop it! At this moment, I'll-!"

Too late. "Gauche-kun?" He's been already attacked by his daily dose of nose bleeding!


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NOTESorry for the very late update! Lately, I've come to realize that I got very tired easily more than how it was before!😅🍀

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Sorry for the very late update! Lately, I've come to realize that I got very tired easily more than how it was before!😅🍀

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