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A swarm of shadows envelope Azriel and he's gone. Where did he go? Is he okay? What's actually going on? 

I don't have too much time to stop and wonder as the room turns to chaos. Lucien turns to Nesta and tries to lunge but Cass slams him into the ground growling commands at him. Emerie shifts in front of Ness more as she gets into a fighting stance. Rhys is yelling trying to command the room to stop and Feyre is trying to comfort Elain. 

My head is spinning with worry trying to right myself in the room. I need to move, I need to find Az, but before I can move another muscle Rhys bellows, "Everyone Stop!" 

I can feel the command sliver over my skin like silk and my bones freeze in place. It's hard to take air into my lungs and suddenly I'm back on that table. Hybern is here and I can't move and I can't see and Az isn't here to save me. I can't save myself, again. 

I want to scream, I want to cry, I want to rage and fight but that command is stuck in my body, slivering like a snake over my limbs, by my legs. The panic kicks up again as I feel it by my legs, it's not Rhy's power, it's those bastards hands, taking something that isn't there's to take. 

The agony of not being able to move is starting to become too much, I need to move, I need to leave. 

I try to scream again and thankfully it comes out as my knees buckle and I collapse. I can barely see the room in front of me but I can feel their attention on me. 

Nesta and Emerie are by my side in a matter of a second picking me up off the ground. At the moment it doesn't matter that they're my sisters. In my mind they're still his minions, trying to hurt me. 

I scream again and tell them to get away, to stop. Unlike that night, those hands do stop, and I finally get the space to take a deep breath. 

Where am I? Where is Az? 

As soon as his name crosses my mind I'm brought back to the present. I look up to see my sisters with worried faces and beyond them I see our high lord, a look of pure horror etched across his face. 

This is Rhys, he is good, he is good. 

At the moment those words do nothing as his face starts to morph into Hybern's general with that stance of power and me below. I slam my eyes shut and open them again to see the Illyrians on the mountain during the blood rite. 

"Home" is the only thing I'm able to whisper out. Feyre seems to understand my silent need as she grows wings and comes closer. 

She kneels down next to me and holds out her hand, "I'm Feyre, I'm going to take you back to your room in the house of wind" She speaks slowly and softly, "If that is okay with you."

It's not until I barely nod my head and reach for her hand when she stands up and walks me to the balcony edge. 

"I'm going to fly us over" She says again in that small comforting voice. I barely nod again and she's flying. 

The wind through my air, the air in my lungs, the sight of the Night City below feels like a slow trickle of water going throughout my body. The panic is finally starting to fade and all too soon, my feet are back on solid ground. 

My body is starting to feel like mine again but speech does not. Feyre takes herself away from me and stands a good foot away. 

She looks at me, not with pity but almost understanding. She stands there, waiting for me to nod I'm okay, that I'll be okay eventually. 

This takes me back as I realize she knew how to talk to me, how to approach, that a male could not come close to me in order to take me home. She grew wings and flew me, a feat not easy for her, especially with the complications from Nyx's birth, this is one very difficult task. 

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